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How we can be happy when our circumstances are absolutely negative?


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How we can be happy when our circumstances are absolutely negative?

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To piggyback on the previous comments, assuming a non judgemental/non evaluative perspective on such circumstances can help as well. While we don't often have control of what happens, we can draw from such events the lesson to consider...begin asking yourself what this moment, event is meant to teach you.

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Be kind to yourself and let good things come in time we must have time in the dark to feel the light to. 

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I love the message in Sonja Lyubomirsky's research paper (and in her book The How of Happiness), which suggests that general life circumstances are only responsible for 10% of our base happiness level, whereas our actions (how we interact with the world) are responsible for 40%. (The other 50% is inherited in our genes.)


While these figures may be a little optimistic, the message is clear - our happiness is not generally dictated by our external circumstances.


I personally found that gratitude (learning to appreciate everything good in my life) has made me so much happier.


By writing a daily gratitude journal for a week or two, where we write down at least three things we are grateful for each day, it helps us to focus on the good rather than the bad. And that is sooooo important.


As the quote attributed to Einstein (which he probably never said) goes:

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”


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I guess we have to push past the barriers that we have in front of us and put on a really brave face. Our brave faces propel us because we cannot come to an end to the ordeal without a disposition that inspires us to be happy and smooth. I guess what I mean is that we cannot overcome this or that without a certain quality which is being courageous. Being courageous means that all will turn out good since we rise up to the occasion. And when we speak about happiness - I think that overcoming the situation means you will be happy.

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