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Start a New Life Right Now

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Hello Everyone !

I just want to encourage you to start Your Real Life right now, to start to be Happy and love your Life ! So I wanted to share a bit of my story and hope it will inspire you!

Today I remembered how I was a year ago. I was sad, demotivated, I wanted to do a lot of things, to realize my dreams, to change my life and make it better, but I couldn't find the strength in myself to start the transition. l felt like a bird in the cage, prisoner of myself. And one day it was enough, I felt in myself that I couldn't go on like this and it was enough, I reached the point of no return. I saw the time passing and I didn't want to lose more time and live with regrets.
So I stopped working, took some holidays, stopped thinking about my life and started to look for advices, experiences of others people on how to do this transition. I found a lot of information, too much information (videos on YT, articles etc.) ! but nothing very helpful. Despite this, I took a lot of notes and I found some authors, coach, motivational speakers very Interesting like Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Lise Bourbeau, Russell Brand, etc. So I watched a lot of videos about their selves and their methods but I noticed that the real keys were not in the videos, but and the book, so I bought books*!.....and then the transition to my new life began.

Before, reading was not a pleasure for me because I'm an hyperactive person, but I found the way to read everywhere and easier : Audiobooks* !! (I will put the links of the books that helped me a lot down below!). And I focused on these books, and they changed my life forever. Honestly, before I couldn't think that it was possible for me to change myself, but with right tips, the right methods, and a little bit of work on myself I became more confident, more powerful and better in my head and in my body. You can't change yourself in the best way and get impressive results if you're not comfortable with yourself.

So after this work on myself, I planned my new life and what I wanted to do, to become. Then, I quit my jobs, changed country and started studies to get the job of my dream.
What an adventure !... and it's just the beginning !
So that's a little part of my story to tell you that everything is possible, whatever the time that it takes, whatever your age, your situation, there are always many possibilities to change your life and live your dreams. Trust yourself, stay focus, and never give up. For sure it won't be easy, because if it will be easy, everyone could do it… but You're NOT everyone !


Links of the books that changed my life :


-        https://amzn.to/3CSLTa3 : Tony Robbins / Unleash the Power Within: Personal Coaching to Transform Your Life

-        https://amzn.to/3QVqHEt : Brian Tracy / The Power of Self-Confidence: Become Unstoppable, Irresistible, and Unafraid in Every Area of Your Life

-        https://amzn.to/3wzja5U :  Lise Bourbeau / Heal Your Wounds and Find Your True Self: Finally a Book That Explains Why It's So Hard Being Yourself


Love / Julian



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