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Hi All :)


I am new here. Happiness is such an important issue. I am glad to join the group.

Let me introduce my self. I am a chinese grow up in Europe.


Having spend more a decade working in financial industry as a derivatives trader, I come to see that money and sucess in career did not makes me a happy person. The opposite is true,  I was overworked - had no time for hobbies and Friend.

So I quit my job and started to study psychology. Meditation help me to come more and more in touch with life again. I stopped acting as a robot and  start to see the wonders of life.


I wish all of you sincerly a fullfiling life and looking forward to be connect with you.


Nice greetings from Vienna,


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HI Max welcome to happiness we are all really nice and supportive hope you make friends here 

From ChloeX

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Hi, Max,

Now that you’ve taken charge of your life while taking care of yourself, you sound very happy. Life has to be in balance before happiness can happen. You’re on the right path!


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