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What do I say? 


A limitless entity/being, well I mean we all are, that includes you "The one reading this in your mind" , We are not the subject of inherited information past down generation and generations where these informations start creating their own informations ruling the minds of many today but we are the ones in control of presence, this present moment all things encompassing unity, flow, reason, harmony pretty much everything in this present moment is happening all at once, that which is seen and that which is unseen, love it!!


Life isn't and hasn't been the easiest while im trying to float being suppressed by the sheer number of people who are not close to discovering their own limitless self, but I have had a lot of opportunities allowing me to become the person I am today, helping and being part of thousands of peoples lives deeply, experimenting with my own beliefs and the potential of mind and body and guiding people to a better them by dealing with all the challenges we face. I mean im young but I got a whole lot of lives lived through my eyes. All love, I guess im finding better ways to tell this story,


"Although our lovable main character, wrapped up in their story of life, he wonders if being at his lowest yet again is helping him search for the answer...the answer to yet another question purposely stimulating the compound matrix of nerves electrifying their brains for what would otherwise bE. JuSt. A. tHouGht." I guess ill need to figure this one out.


Hi my name is Mau5e (mouse), nice to have you read the above. im all over the place as you could tell but hey, im sure you know little lot about me'ish. 😜

Edited by Mau5e
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Maybe let share abit about me,


Quite kid growing up, kept to myself and followed who lead the situation, can't forget that worlds of thoughts were happening behind the scenes during my development of self. Secondary school was different, I chose to be alone, but found people that saw the benefit of others, kind, selfless, but without purpose. Joined a religious cult without knowing and worked my way up to be the youth leader for 2 years, even became one of the provincial youth leaders. During this time I got to meet thousands of individuals all going through their versions of life and connecting threads with them to make it better, all improving my ability to thing holistically, logically and critically. This is why I say, iv lived thousands of lives, because iv got to live with so many people seeing life through their eyes. 


This religious cult had taken my life and thrown it upside down because leaving created a whole new world which is so small in the bigger picture. I further studied counselling and human development in university to help stimulate my mind to understand what and how we have become what we've become. I then worked corporate for 3 years, worked my way up to the senior manager, I have a knack for becoming better in any environment to the point of creating vision and direction and creating footsteps for people to follow. I challenged and experimented my reality from our 5 senses, creating a whole new perspective, skills and I like to say cheat codes to the current systemic nature. 


Jump to present, iv chosen to pursue happiness over the current way this world has developed itself for us to live in. Iv had my eyes opened and I see the world for what it is, diplomatic in nature and love to love all things misunderstood but alas if you don't want to play the game, you will have nothing, and right now, im hoping this nothing, has the ability to be everything. 

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Dear Mau5e, Dear All :)

I like what you are saying.


It is not easy to realise that one is not only a robot 🤖, passed down with the programming, gernerations of generations. I am now 46 years old. I think at least more than half of my life I lived as a robot, never doubt the programming I have received from my parents and environment.


I had the luck to meet psychology and Mindfulness meditation, which make me able to see that everything appears in the mind are just thoughts without any substance. With that I start to see that we are not the slave of our conditionings.

Since that I am practicing Zen regularly and start to uncover more and more. Life become easier and easier 🙂🙂


I wish everyone will have the blessings to be in touch with the reality  🙏❤️

All the best,


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We all have an un-comprehensible journey ahead of us, as we continue to learn being unbound from what has been taught into creating what is, like an example is everything that we are stimulated by has a name already defined with a "name"/language although everything is, is; undefined.😆


But as soon as we are stimulated by something that hasn't been defined from our senses, sight, smell,. touch, sound and taste, we create one for ourselves and in every present moment with the ability of conscious awareness and all things discovered means we can achieve so much more balance to live as what we are but also as what the future needs of us. 


And this is only a small part im focusing on at the moment! Threre is so much more and I know you know this too. I am excited for your journey ahead  Max and I hope everyone in your life can see the footprints you leave behind everywhere you go! 


I wish you the best and a spontaneous adventure for creating only the best memories! 

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