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Life advice

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Definitely focus on carrier goal, study how to give taxes, prepare yourself for mindfulness, lean soft skills, maintain proud at your history.
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When you've got to do something you don't like, like cleaning up the appartement or mucking out horse stables, don't think about it. Just start doing it and think about what you would like to do afterwards. Because there are no better moments to figure out what you like to do than these.
And when you are done you will be proud of the result. 

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59 minutes ago, Trixxie said:

Yeah Everything will go wrong cause of that decision, so don't stop fighting

Yeah, sometimes everything goes wrong but in the end it makes us even stronger because we know what we can get through. 

I like that you didn't give up until you made it. :) 

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I would tell my younger self to be nicer to my sisters and parents 😅 I would also say that everything happens for a reason that will make sense later on. And when you're in a friendship or relationship that you know is not good for you, don't be afraid to move on. There are so many more people you will know that are 1000 times better for you! 

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Trust in myself and my intuition. Don’t live to please others.
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Lower distrust in relationships with your peers and do not play safe. Do not have a self-label that seperates you from others, instead have a label that connects you with others.
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Always love yourself first before loving someone because you can never give what you don't have.
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Very interesting and difficult task 😀

I am not so sure. Actually, I also tend to think like Lizzie. Quoting “Everything happens for a reason”.

If I need to give some advice to my younger self:

I would like to tell my younger self: “Start earlier in your life with meditation and find your purpose in life.” But I doubt this will work. I started meditation after certain life events. For me I had a stressful job. I need a solution. Luckily due to this problem/suffering, I found my jackpot.

Ah. Now a thought just popped up, I have a concrete one for my younger self:

My former education was in business administration. Working in the financial industry, makes me to taking decisions always after a “reasonable” calculation. But there are many things in life, which one can’t calculate this in terms of money.

Don’t think too much in a materialistic/”reasonable” way. Even it looks like a stupid decision, if your wise and loving heart feels that this is the correct way, then go for it.

Nice greetings from Vienna,


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