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Happinesses is from within! But someone can make you very sad abd unhappy with their words and actions

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Yes. And again and again and again.
Until I stopped caring about strangers opinions.


I defined an inner cirlce of people I care about. These are the only people I allow to hurt me.


If some stranger dares to be unfriendly, I just exclude him from my life and move on.


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Well done on that inner circle! That is one thing that I crave! To be accepted without judgement! For what I want to share and who I want to be! Just to be me!
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Don’t look for acceptance from others. I craved that too and being an artist, it felt necessary, not anymore! Accept yourself first, the way you are! They aren’t gonna do that.
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I totally agree that you should not let other's opinions or actions get you down. Something can of corse be hurtful, but you shouldn't let it dim your light I try to think that other people's bad behaviour or actions say more about them and their own problems. What they think about me is none of my business and should therefore not have that strong of an effect on me, especially when they are strangers or at least not good friends. 

I read somewhere that if you wouldn't go to a person for advice, you shouldn't let their opinion matter - and definitely not bring you down! 🌈

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