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Vienna Happiness Project - Happy Cafe Program

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Happy Cafes come from Action from Happiness


we strated a Happy Cafe in Vienna, and have intention to run more sessions in more cafes in Vienna, inviting people from around the world to join in ..


collaborating with projects like The HappyXchange, Learn with Grandma, The Learning Street  - more info here 

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  • Moderator

What a lovely initiative, thank you for sharing with us! ?  It will soon be possible to create online events here on happiness.com, so you'll be able to promote your Happy Cafe sessions like that if you want to ?

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32 minutes ago, Lizzie said:

What a lovely initiative, thank you for sharing with us! ?  It will soon be possible to create online events here on happiness.com, so you'll be able to promote your Happy Cafe sessions like that if you want to ?

HI Lizzie, thank you . I have BIG Dreams, and would love to collaborate and collaborate :-) 


  • Moderator

Hi again, 
I just wanted to let you know that it is now possible to create online events here on happiness.com ? A great way to let the community know what is going on ? Let us know if you have any questions! 

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