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Simple living for happiness?

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thank you Calvin for sharing. I also have the feeling that's more the depth than the width of things I'm doing makes me happier.
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On 7/5/2019 at 7:59 PM, Yvonne said:

I try to shift from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) to JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out). ? but I need to admit that it's sometimes still hard for me. Need to practice more letting go. ?

I love the idea of JOMO! Celebrating what we are supposedly missing! :P I think one that helps with living a more simple life is that humans are naturally very adaptable to our circumstances. When I moved to a quieter place after London I thought I would miss stuff, but actually no. Now I can't bear to go back there! Interesting how this changes with time and noticing it in the body and mind. 


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It's funny, when I moved to spain, I only had very few belongings with me. And I didn't miss a thing! But when I came back to my storage after a year I looked at my books, and cloths and so much stuff, which i had completely forgotten over the year! And now every thing i look at i thought: "Oh my god, i missed this! I need it! I want it back!" - and thats so crazy that the mind does that! Because i couldn't even remember the things before, but once i saw my whole mind was saying, that i still need it. Everything.... :D

So it will be interesting, we will go to germany this summer to get our stuff, but i really want to try to not bring everything, because its not like we need any of it really...

BUT... so hard to say goodbye to belongings!! Please tell me you know that feeling, too ?

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On 7/5/2019 at 4:10 PM, Calvin77 said:

In my 20s and 30s I used to be someone that tried to cram as much as possible into my day: I'd feel guilty if I didn't squeeze those 24 hours dry! ? More recently I've felt the desire to slow things down and simplify my life: if I can't do something, no worries, it can wait. I've learnt to savour moments through living a quieter and simpler life. I researched this more for an article for the magazine and have found that there are many benefits to living a simple life

City life can be exciting, but I've realised I'm happier in a quieter city without noise and distractions, or out in the countryside walking in nature or being by the sea. I've also decided to reduce my consumption as part of living a more simpler life. I've never been one to have the latest iPhone model, but I've reduced clothes shopping, especially after seeing how much pollution the textile industry causes. 

All in all, I feel that my simpler life is bringing me more happiness. Part of me has even been thinking of simplifying things further and looking for a quiet place to live in the countryside with some self-sustainability (maybe not just yet LOL). 

I'd love to know if anyone has done something similar and how it went. I imagine it could be hard work also. Also what else have other people done to simplify their lives and how has it affected them? ?

What I find really interesting about how other people are living their lives is how the amish do it. I've read a book about the amish lifestyle, and i really liked parts of very much. I mean, it's quite intense, that they don't use electricity, but for example they only buy something when they really need it and then it a quality, that it will last for pretty much ever.

There is a store, where the amish buy, its called "lehmans" and the things there are produced in a way that they are very long lasting. and i like this a lot, because if you buy an electric kitchen machine or a mixer or something like that you kind of just assume that it will be broken after three years, and then you buy a new one.

But that's not normal! Shouldn't be that way, its a strane for the environment, it costs money, its not a consumer-friendly way! So I liked this reminder, that we should only really buy what we need, and then buy it in a way, that it will last long!


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I agree.  I am in my 20s and do not find happiness from having a bunch of things.  Life is more than that,  but I loose a connection with other people.  I live in a loud and busy community of diverse people.  So I am learning ways to practice mindfulness. 

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