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Coronavirus Shut Ins

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Sorry to hear, Konnor! I must say that things are quite lax over here in Barcelona, even with the number of new 'infections' growing every day. No one wears masks, people are still spending most of their time outside, public transport is as full as usual, and no schools or other public buildings have been closed - yet. 

A few people from bigger companies have started working from home, but that's pretty much it for now. I don't watch the news, mind, so I might be missing something, but I think people are a lot more relaxed about it here.

However, I completely understand your decision to shut yourselves in. I wish you the best and pray that this is over soon so you can go back to church and art. ☺️

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We are told here to not take the masks that health facilities need because they are having a hard time finding them. I think that people in the 30 and under range have very little radar as far as what is going on with coronavirus. People with kids are in blissful ignorance when schools are huge virus breeding grounds. Families tend to get infected first. 

I have to take my dog to the vet on Thursday and I am apprehensive about it. I'm going to wear gloves so I can just discard them before I come home. That seems like the most sensible idea to me rather than having to worry about what germs are on my hands after touching the door at the store. My pet on the other hand... Well she doesn't have any restraint and we don't know yet whether pets can transmit to humans. We do know they can get a mild form of coronavirus.

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Local businesses that have newsletters are starting to send statements to their clientele with regard to their coronavirus plans. Public events which have food are being cancelled because of fears of spreading virus.

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Btw, coronovirus has been the top subject on twitter for days now. You can see some linked stories on my twitter account if the subject is of interest to you. https://twitter.com/ftm_in_ma

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In my opinion, if you can afford it and are in a high-risk group staying at home is the most sensible thing to do.
The Robert Koch Institute (a German federal government agency and research institute responsible for disease control and prevention) has clearly stated that staying away from crowds/ crowded situations, washing your hands thoroughly and regularly as well as not touching your face is the best prevention for regular people. Nevertheless, disinfection sprays have been sold out in stores for a long time already.

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Hi @xenspirit I can completly understand your decision and it's probably the best that you can do right now. I also canceled a trip to Germany hat I had planned. I'm not in a high risk group but I don't want to be part of a chain in which I other put in risk. In China they did drastic meassurements to isolate people but as a result the new infections are disminishing. I wish you and your partner a lot of strength to get through this. Once the cold season stops, we can hopefull all go back to a daily life again.

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I am hoping that the risk for this season is over by April so we can at least have a few  months of normalcy before the fall virus season starts again.

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Thank you. The mortality rate for seniors is from 5 to 15 percent. I am copying and pasting some recommendations for seniors and probably those also who are high risk. It is from this article on quora: https://www.quora.com/q/aging-with-an-attitude?__filter__=14&__ni__=0&__nsrc__=1&__sncid__=4372432240&__snid3__=7108834050&__tiids__=5883129#anchor

Seniors can take action to do the following:

  1. Stock up on food, medication and other supplies so you can stay at home for several weeks. Remember your pets!
  2. Postpone all visits and family gatherings.
  3. Handle delivered food like “meals on wheels” or “skip the dishes” very carefully! You don't know if people preparing it or delivering it are infected. Virus can live up to 48 hours on a contaminated surface! Use disinfectant wipes on any package or container surface that may have been touched.
  4. Stay at least 2 metres or 6 feet away from others. For example, keep your social distance from other pet owners when walking your dog! Don't allow others to pet your dog or cat! They could transfer virus on to their fur … and then on to you!
  5. Wear disposable gloves if you must touch any public surface such as a bank machine keypad or a gas pump handle.
  6. Stay away from any public gatherings such as cinemas or services at a church or mosque.
  7. Postpone any vacation or trips until the flu wave has passed by.
  8. Forget handshakes or kissing! Greet people, if necessary, using the “knuckle bump” or better yet the “elbow bump”!
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I will take a look at that, Tine. It looks like it might have some really good points.

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I started a topic for gathering tips around keeping your mental and physical health during the shut in:


  • 7 months later...
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I know that some people might not agree: 

But one of my gifts are knowing when someone is trying to manipulate us. And I have never trusted the Government(except trump), I have done extensive digging into the subject and my thoughts are that there is something not quite right. Even if there is a virus out there. It’s not as bad as you think. If they actually advertise how many people die of just a reg flu, the number would be higher.  This is the only time, with all of history’s of plegues and epidemics that we are isolating the healthy. These people have an agenda. They want to separate us from one another so we don’t discover the true that we are stronger together then apart. The media is ruled by the few that seek to keep us from knowing who we truly are. And how powerful we are when we realize that there is no different between you and I. We need to show them that we aren’t scared by there lies. We need to stand up and show them by gathering together with out our masks in front of our leaders. And say we have had enough. And we as the majority (we the people) should be telling what we want our world to be. We want a world that’s chemical free, free fresh food grown locally with out chemicals, free education. Which would allow us to the choice to be who ever we want to be. When people are given a choice without limitations, they will be a more happy and productive person in society. Money decided equally across the globe. Or better still no money needed. There would be no reason to steal or be jealous or be insecure. When everyone gets the same opportunities how much more advanced we would be. We have been lied to since the beginning. And it’s time for people to wake up to the horrible truth that we are being controlled. And we can have this life i described, if we unit as one all over the world. And eliminate the evil that seeks to destroy us. Copy and paste this into you search 
Engine. You can help by joining the movement and help people realize there is more to life then we could ever imagine. 


Also stop watching media on tv. They are only telling you what they want to to believe is true;

Epoch times app is available with real news. You also could watch the “fall of the cabal” . 

Sending energy, light and love to protect you all

Be good to one another and remember fear is more contagious then a virus. Don’t let them stop you from living your life to the fullest. Staying connected to one another is the best weapon of all. 

sorry for the long rant, I woke up and I was Mad . No one hurts my family, ( my fellow earth people. ) 

  • 2 weeks later...
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@Phoenixrising I read your post several times, and many things deeply resonate with me, for example, that we are stronger together, equality and equity, the same opportunities for everyone.
Yes, it would help to get together as we used to and we need to unite to create a world worth living in and on for every human. This will require lots of unity, marches, gatherings, votes and so on.

No matter where the virus is coming from, I am for wearing masks to protect the weaker as they are more likely to die. In Japan, people wear masks to protect others when they have a simple cold or cough as basic courtesy. I love that.

As you mentioned the flu - this year might also have fewer people dying from the flu due to improved hygiene and masks. Maybe the conclusion is that we can keep people from dying with some relatively simple everyday courtesies than seeing people dying from preventable infections as "natural". I am also not happy with the idea of following one leader - whomever that might be. I doubt that one human can be smart, aware, awake, informed, understanding, caring, and so on enough to serve humanity well, no matter who it is and how hard they try.
It's a hard and challenging situation, and those situations usually ask for a variety of different and difficult solutions and continuous learning and adapting.

What gives me hope and what I feel strongly in your post as well is the deep care for the world. ?

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    "First they came for... and I did not speak out...

    Then they came for... and I did not speak out...

    Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me." - Martin Niemoeller

Covid - First they gave you fear, then they came for you freedoom, then they'll be asking for you.


Freedom is not free, it was fought for. People forgot about it and assumed it's free.

Power is conferred by the people. People forgot about it and thought they don't own it.

Just because it's so easy, they conveniently took all from you. And.. I did not speak??


Greed has no end, and they'll come crawling for the rest of the world.

I'll fight for Freedom, family & love, just because it's in my practice to become human.




  • 1 month later...
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They locked you down, then they offer you a minimum income for your survival, finally they would insist that you get a jab on the vaccine.


Meat farms have animals kept in cage, feed them enough to grow, and jabbed them with vaccine to ensure their survival till the end. Sounds the same?


Ya, sadly. And eventually both get slaughtered. But they'll start with your kids.


taking a pause here...


God see things from the heaven, I see things from the ground. But we both draw the line, and probably the same line. I'm not trying to play God, but the politicians and Climate folks are when they think they are in control.


The US election shows us how our freedom can be stolen from us. It shows us how that few people, with that power of convenience, can exercise their own discretion of what they think is right over the voice of the people. Be it the judges, the politician, the press and even the social media.


The "great reset" would be the further extension of all the above. It's literally Communism 2.0 to speak of.


BLM?? No, ALL lives matter! But now, choosing side matter! So which side of the line do you stand?

To be quite is to promote them to continue their ill-doings. Peace is not for the coward nor the inaction. "We the People" need to work hard towards humanity. Freedom is not free, without cost.


May the World have peace, not that to become amalgamated, but to have the respect for others and to allow for "Agree to disagree". The future is in our hands.


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