Members Popular Post No**** Posted March 2, 2020 Members Popular Post Today I clicked onto another members profile who had responded with a like something I wrote yesterday when I signed up. On his profile was a link to an article that appeared in the Guardian Newspaper digging deeper into research that has discovered that humans are at their most miserable at 47 years old, well 47.2 to be precise. Now this may or not be the day it went to press but the day it came into my awareness is exactly 47 years and 2 months to the day when I was born at Kings College Hospital, London. I would be a churlish man to guarantee nothing outside my control could not unexpectedly dissect my life and pose a threat to me or my wellbeing. But as friends will have picked from me throughout 2019 I have experienced recent changes that were traumatic and brought me to a place where I did not recognise people I thought I knew, up from down, true from false. In a dark moment of being alone and very sad I felt as though I may have been the one who betrayed himself. But inside that dark moment and out from that insight. A deep question had flowered within, if 'I' had been the one who betrayed 'myself' then who was 'I' and who is 'myself' since there is only one of me? This was a very important question to ask myself because the answer was nothing that my mind knew or could answer. My mind had been stumped. While my brain shrugged at its lack of knowledge. That realisation resonated with the awareness that has a very strong connection to my gut and my heart, the still, silent awareness at the core of my being. Conscious who 'I' was, I became witness to my mind and mindful of the thoughts that come and go as my brain presents a conceptual understanding of the world around me intended to help me navigate life's path surviving danger and meeting certain fundamental needs. Having awakened to this new found vista of consciousness and allowed my brain enough time to comprehend what it did not itself have scope to have deduced. I found another answer glowing out from the darkness as blatant and as bright as light. Love, self-love will protect against any instance of self betrayal. So I began to practice meditation more and start to change the relationship with myself generating self-compassion, more self-love and a searching enquiry to better understand my needs, to develop a better language related to the needs we all have. If life is dependant on basic needs being met, and those needs are universal and the same for each individual. Then our greater knowledge of our needs is vital to be sensitive and empathic towards our own efforts to meet them and understand what our instincts are doing when we react when they are not being met or something or someone is obstructing us from what we need. So I listen intently to my emotions, guiding me to meet them and this helps me understand more what may be alive in others, who are in conflict with me or others, when something is or is not being done that results in their needs not being met. Knowledge of ones needs lets me see how this drives people to act. They may not know how to say this non-violently, they may just know that their needs are being frustrated and they are blaming the cause of their anxiety. But all conflict results from a need that is not being met. We can learn a language which allows us to be honest and direct with pin point precision of the way we are feeling, what is alive in us, and with practice you can learn how not to blame others or accuse them of wrongdoing and show them what is happening that is blocking you from what you need to thrive and enrich your life and the lives of others willingly. Out of self-love comes compassion and greater empathy I am sure. Essentially I had more growing to do, and as far as I can work out it looks very like the Universe is my best friend too. Because everything being placed on my journey was showing me exactly what I needed to learn the lessons that I needed to know. I am an extremely grateful embodiment of carbon in consciousness. While I am unable to calculate my worth in a material sense, I can be confidently assured in any given moment, that I, like you, am priceless. Anything, including negative thoughts or anyone suggesting otherwise in the direction of worthlessness is not using the language of non-violent communication they most probably just don't know how to speak it. Whether they are conscious of this or not they are abusing you and not willingly sought to enrich your life, and so it spells the end, it is at odds with your true value, they don't have to see it your way, that is their own deficiency, not yours and so this is the time to walk away from their toxicity don't try to steer someone towards a lesson that the universe is very much in command of, forgive them, when you are ready to not feel hurt by holding the hurt, let it go and say a prayer asking the Universe to bless them with the same kind of insight that I feel I have received. Find the life underneath the life situation, the story of things happening to me and don't identify with the ego's fondness for drama and conflict. Let your life love you back to the you you have always been, you are perfect just as you are without conditions attached. And for me personally the most important person who needed to really know this life lesson has been me. Thank you gorgeous universe for the gift of getting more appreciation of living before I die, and for the amazing gift of being me. Xxx P.S they say from here on in - everything starts to look up! ?
Moderator Popular Post Candy Posted March 3, 2020 Moderator Popular Post Thank you, Olly. It's easy to fall into worthlessness when from one moment to the next, everything you know and love comes crashing down and your whole life changes. My current situation is offering me an enormous opportunity for growth and expansion, and although I don't yet know how or what that means, or what I have to do, after reading what you wrote, I feel confident that everything is as it should be, and all I need is within me. ✨
Members Popular Post No**** Posted March 3, 2020 Author Members Popular Post 16 minutes ago, Candy said: Thank you, Olly. It's easy to fall into worthlessness when from one moment to the next, everything you know and love comes crashing down and your whole life changes. My current situation is offering me an enormous opportunity for growth and expansion, and although I don't yet know how or what that means, or what I have to do, after reading what you wrote, I feel confident that everything is as it should be, and all I need is within me. ✨ Candy, thank you for saying so. And Hi it is great to meet you. I am feeling really gushy with this site. But I found it not long after I experienced a moment in my life when I felt armour falling away from my heart at the same time sleeping eyelids peeled back and I saw what was in front of me anew. I saw people and really felt that I knew them in a way that I had not seen them for such a long time. I am one of many and many yet who still are in a kind of survival sleep lashing out around what is being reacted to as a life. I was there also once trapped feeling separated and looking at others as either a means to an end or an obstruction somehow to my needs. I worked with a therapist and together we went into the realm of trauma and I did release myself from its oscillating effects 26 years later, so when I found this community online and right there I was like at last! Olly
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