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Negativity - don't let it affect your happiness

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It is a hard thing to remain positive and happy all the time. Negativity is everywhere in society. In my opinion it is based mainly on fear. Fear of the future, fear of the unknown and fear of mistakes made in the past. My own negativity is subsiding thanks to group meditation twice a week, and finding sites like this, and choosing my own path to happiness. I'm happier now than I was 6 months ago, and to not let negativity in, is a huge challenge that is taking lots of mental discipline, and the practice of letting go, and being kind and friendly. But also understanding why there is negativity, and how can you turn it around.

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Yeh this I have to work only mind gets negative at times, then I worry that this is what the universe will return to me. As I believe what we think is what we become, so I'm trying really hard with yoga & meditation to change my mind set in order to change my life & circumstances, button this world it's a daily battle, but I will win eventually.
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The difference of negative and positive mindset is so infinitesimal. However it can be differentiated by simple two things... the mind that thinks about only himself is a negative one, and the mindset that thinks about the world is positive.... More intense one's thought about himself, more he is negative. Bigger and deeper he thinks about the world, more is his positivism - isn't that simple?
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