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You've done so well in reaching out and saying hi! Congratulations. It can only get better from here :) We're all here to support and uplift each other. Lovely to 'meet' you ?

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I’ve been wanting to learn Qi gong. Do you take classes? How did you learn? I also meditate and study advaita vedanta. Do you listen to gurus or spiritual teachers on YouTube? I like Mooji, Rupert Spira and Roger Castillo. I just joined too. I’m hoping to make friends with like-minded people. It is difficult because I am also .introverted.

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To be honest, the thought of classes scares me so I go on youtube every day and pick two or three videos for qi gong. And then eventually you pick moves up etc. I did used to go to a Buddhist meditation class and loved it. Do you meditate too? If so how often. Just curious. 

Thankyou for replying. ( I do also watch spiritual videos. But I cant remember there names. Oops) x 

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Thankyou all for the lovely welcome. I've just logged on and was very touched. I've needed some inspiration this weekend. Work was a bit ermmmm shall we say stressful this week x 

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hi...stress is equally importan in life else we wont value fun and excitment. you can be in my friend list if interested in knowing life in depth

love and light

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