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Hey beautiful! I just joined As well! What area are you living around?

  • Moderator

Hi Krista, I'm sorry to hear you feel disheartened. I think in the past there have been very many meaningful interactions and discussions between members, but it appears to have quietened down quite a bit. I know in my own experience, I let life just happen for weeks on end, and don't really spend time checking in on social platforms. 

I think many people are also just afraid or cautious to reach out, especially online, and sometimes think no one is interested in what they're going through. In these instances, I take the approach of respecting their privacy and offering support in the forum instead.

Why not try and find members close to or in your area and reach out to them directly? Genuine friendships can be found in very many ways, and I think some might take a bit of time to cultivate. 

I hope you find what you’re looking for, and I am happy to assist as and where I can.

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