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The Neuroscience of Meditation

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For those who are interested in a more scientific understanding of if, why and how meditation works I can recommend the book "Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body" by science journalist Daniel Goleman and neuroscientist Richard Davidson which was published in 2017. It's an overview of the state of research up to this date and upholds high standards on the research they take into account as a basis for their book. 


I find myself at a strange intersection between science and spirituality. While I only got into meditation because science suggested that this would be a healthy and happy move through meditation, I also discovered my spiritual side and areas that science can't explain yet like consciousness.

I found this article on medium "Sitting at the intersection of neuroscience and mindfulness" which looks at how the personal experience with meditation could be explained on a scientific level.


What articles/ thoughts do you have around meditation that are rooted in science and venture out into the unknown?




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Personally i do not take science very serioues when it comes to they try to explain spiritual living or meditation. And i Guess you will ask why?

Because 90% of meditation happens outside of the physical body and mind. what science can measure or "see" is only about 10% of what actually happens. 

Example science can not see when Our mind (subconsioues) leaving the body and go to different Dimensions to Discover New and higher truth.

Specially in mindfulness it is not Our main spirit that is developed, it is Our subconsious that gain the true awakening. But yes the main spirit will also benefit from the meditation.

Subconsiouesness is actually a part of us but it is a living being so it has its own will, and its own understanding of truth. and this is something science can not measure or see

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Yes I also recently published my thesis on the scientific explanation for soul and energy. Would lookup what you have shared. If you wish to learn more about my thoughts do let me know.
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@neuguru Yes, please. It would be great if you could introduce us to the main ideas of your thesis in this forum.

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21 minutes ago, Tine said:

@neuguru Yes, please. It would be great if you could introduce us to the main ideas of your thesis in this forum.

Main ideas are very straight forward. Again this is theory and only practice can offer evidence. I practice and have received evidence. 

1. Soul is a quantum particle similar to the neutrinos neutral in quantum state.

2. Physical reality is distinct from Quantum state.

3. Quantum state has three type. Positive, Negative and Neutral.

4. The soul particle creates the physical reality for itself to experience consciousness.

5. The physical body is a manifestation of the soul created physical reality.

6. The physical reality is multi dimensional in existence with respect to time.

7. The soul particle and they physical body is connected via the electromagnetic spectrum.

8. The soul particle can through conscious existence receive energy from physical reality this raising or lowering its vibrations.

9. The higher the vibration of the soul particle the positive is the dimension  of the physical reality and vice versa.

10. The soul particle is singular for all the infinite physical dimensional existences.

Thus a conscious entity should focus on offering energy to the soul and thus engage in manifestation of what they want in their physical dimension.

However, the soul particle looping through an infinite and endless cycle of life and death is trapped by the influence of the conscious mind focused on the body and the cause and effects of physical reality.

I have experimented by silencing the mind techniques and practicing a unique intense meditation technique in attracting neutral energy that can be fuel for the trapped soul in awakening its sub conscious existence and empowering it to engage in soul to soul communications, soul energy transfer and engaging in manifesting changes in physical reality.

And validated by manifesting for other as well.


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19 hours ago, neuguru said:

Thus a conscious entity should focus on offering energy to the soul and thus engage in manifestation of what they want in their physical dimension.

I doubt that I fully understand what you are saying ? What are the everyday life implications of this that you experience?

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17 minutes ago, Tine said:

I doubt that I fully understand what you are saying ? What are the everyday life implications of this that you experience?

Yes it cannot be shared or advertised only experienced. But if you want to discuss in private you can do so.

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@neuguru  I can relate to the experiential part. This is what I experienced as well with my meditation practice. In my case, I like explaining it using the example of a gym. If I go to the gym, get all the machines, and how they train muscles thoroughly explained, and then I go home, I will still not improve my fitness. To get fit, I have to do the training myself.

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