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Neu Energy Meditation

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Since October 2019, I have started to offer guidance and training in the neutral meditation technique that I have been practicing since 2012.

Since then I have created a WhatsApp group with a few members who are interested and learning and practicing.  

We also engage in group and synchronized meditation through which members can also receive healing.

So if anyone would be interested I would be happy to invite you.

Love and Peace 


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This sounds fabulous , would I be Able to join the group ? 

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@foxglove I have shared a message for you with the details on how to join the group.
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@neuguru I was about to ask that in another topic "the Neuroscience of Meditation" but as you created this topic anyway I think it better fits here: Could you give some more details about the meditation? The duration, technique, teaching, theory behind it?

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1 hour ago, Tine said:

@neuguru I was about to ask that in another topic "the Neuroscience of Meditation" but as you created this topic anyway I think it better fits here: Could you give some more details about the meditation? The duration, technique, teaching, theory behind it?

I have already written about the theory in another post.

But as I was explaining to a learner today, the first part which is living a neutral life is the difficult part. Second most difficult is silencing the mind and starting to communicate with our soul and last one is the energy meditation which is maximum 10 minutes but delivers enough energy to last a week.

Regarding details I doubt I can explain it by text. Creates about 40 minutes of video (available on udemy) and also published a 50 page book (published on amazon) using which one can try to self learn.

I also have a 1 to 1 personal guided 7 day course both online and offline.

Not sure I am allowed to share it here all

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What is within the happiness.com mission can be shared ?

"cultivate a safe and supportive community and share tools, practices and experiences that empower everyone to live happy and fulfilled lives"

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1 hour ago, Tine said:

What is within the happiness.com mission can be shared ?

"cultivate a safe and supportive community and share tools, practices and experiences that empower everyone to live happy and fulfilled lives"

Ofcourse. So let me share in brief the meditation technique.

5 things to consider before you start meditating (not hard and fast rules but just what I follow)

1. Keep gap of minimum 2 hours after eating and stick to vegetarian food.
2. Preferably have a shower or ensure you are not facing any itching or any allergies.
3. Make sure you are not having a bad cold or fever or any kind of severe pain.
4. Not to have any stressful activity or in arguments with anyone.

5. Not to engage in any other religious or spiritual activities such as Yoga or other forms
of meditation.

5 things to consider after meditation (Living a Neutral lifestyle)

1. Avoid getting into arguments or stressful situations as much as possible.
2. Avoid eating meat and over eating and wasting food. Please donate extra food.
3. Avoid judging others or passing judgments.

4. Be empathic to people around you and offer care and help those in desperate need.
5. Avoid getting into new addictions and attachments.

Morning Affirmations (after ending meditation)

  • I wish that I am protected from all evil eyes, evil people, negative thoughts and negative energies.
  • I wish that I have good health and a long and healthy life and recover from any illness that I may suffer or suffering.
  • I wish that I am protected from all natural and man-made calamities and any unfortunate events or accidents.
  • I wish that I arrive at my destination safely and reach my home safely.
  • I wish that I am able to manifest all that is positive or neutral for myself and others around me and able to focus and be successful in whatever I wish to undertake.

Evening Affirmations (before going to sleep)

  • I thank the source for guiding me through the day, helping me focus on myself and protecting my body and my soul.
  • I allow the source to support me in my manifestations through my subconscious mind in my sleep.
  • I wish to wake up in sound mind and good health with my soul and body under the protection of the source.

Meditation (Day 1 & 2)
Before breakfast on empty stomach after shower
Mind Taming Exercise: Breath Awareness Meditation (5 minutes)

This is a simple form of meditation. It will clear your mind and focus your awareness. Sit or lie down, close your eyes focused on one particular thing a person or object that ensures any other external thoughts do not enter your mind.

It is a good practice to start the first day by taking the help of a source of positive energy such as an image of God or a saint or an angel or anything you feel is a source of positive energy. If you are an atheist then you can focus on your own body at the centre of your forehead or something from nature. As long it signifies positive or neutral energy.

You can also listen to some light spiritual music and breathe deeply in and slowly out and focus on the breath entering and leaving your body.
Feel it coming in and feel it going out. This simple action is enough to occupy your surface mind. Breath awareness occupies the surface mind and allows you to think on a much deeper level.

Firmly push intruding thoughts away, as they begin, before they can gather strength and distract you.

End the meditation with folded hands making your morning affirmations.

Evening after sunset and 2 hours after meal or dinner
Ego Release exercise: Getting detached meditation (10 minutes)

Sit or lie down, close your eyes. PRETEND you are a bird imaging your hands as the wings of a bird flying higher and higher. Free from the ground, the earth, the reality, letting go of your physical existence.

While you are doing this, you may feel sleepy or tears rolling down your eyes. Do not break the meditation and be attentive with the mind focused on your hands and body.

End the meditation with folded hands releasing your ego from your conscious being and making your evening affirmations.


Meditation (Day 3 & 4)
Before breakfast on empty stomach after shower
Rejuvenation Exercise: Self Awareness Meditation (5 minutes)

As in Day 1 and Day 2 you will b e focusing on clearing your mind. But in day 3 and 4, you should try to focus your own self, your body and what you want from life in general. Such as your positive desires and goals in life.

You can also listen to some light spiritual music and breathe deeply in and slowly out and focus on the breath entering and leaving your body imagining your own image or desires.

Feel it coming in and feel it going out. Make sure that your mind is occupied with yourself, you inner and outer self.

Firmly push intruding thoughts away, as they begin, before they can gather strength and distract you.
End the meditation with folded hands making your morning affirmations.

Evening after sunset and 2 hours after meal or dinner
Energy Work exercise: Accessing Neutral Energy (10 minutes)

Sit or lie down, close your eyes. Focus on your own image on the left and the source of positive energy on the right. If you are an atheist then you can focus on your own body at the centre of your forehead or something from nature. As long it signifies positive or neutral energy.

You can also listen to some light spiritual music and breathe deeply and slowly and focus on the breath entering and leaving your body.

While you are doing this, you may notice brightness in your eyes. Do not resist it. Allow it to reach within you.

Then spread your hands all over your body to spread the energy all over you.

Repeat this exercise three to four times so you receive as much energy as you need to remove all the negativity around you that has been accumulated and release your soul.

End the meditation with folded hands making your evening affirmations.

Meditation (Day 5 & 6)
Before breakfast on empty stomach after shower

Love affirmation Exercise: Social Awareness Meditation (5 minutes)

In these two days you will be trying to clear your mind and focus the people you love and care about. Sit or lie down, close your eyes.

So you begin first by focusing outwards on the people you love such as your friends and family or the society you live in, your environment, your country or the world in general.

You can also listen to some light spiritual music and breathe deeply and slowly and focus on the breath entering and leaving your body.

As your breathe in, think of a loved one and imagine hugging the person as your breathe out.

Firmly push intruding thoughts away, as they begin, before they can gather strength and distract you.

End the meditation with folded hands making your morning affirmations.

Evening after sunset and 2 hours after meal or dinner

Energy Work exercise: Transferring Neutral Energy (10 minutes)

Sit or lie down, close your eyes. You can also listen to some light spiritual music and breathe deeply in and slowly breathe
out focusing on the image of a loved one on the left and the source of positive energy on the right.

If you are an atheist then you can focus on your own body at the centre of your forehead or something from nature. As long it signifies positive or neutral energy.

Repeat this exercise for each person whom you wish to transfer the energy to and then in the end, spread your hands all over your body to spread the remaining energy all over you.

End the meditation with folded hands making your evening affirmations.


Meditation (Day 7 onwards)

After completing Day 1 to Day 6 successfully and achieving complete silence of the mind, one can start practicing Neu Energy Meditation which is very intense and requires guidance and protection from the trainer for the first few sessions.  So I cannot share the technique openly here. But will see if I can attach a live video my practicing this meditation. For details please message me personally. I am ready to teach this intense meditation to those interested but only if the learner meets the conditions for the practice.

Note for Admin/Moderators: Was unable to embed the meditation video with MP4 format.







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I am glad it works for you. Do what works.

I practice yoga and reiki as well as my own self designed affirmations. All of these I see as spiritual or energy related but not religious and not incompatible. I am a Unitarian Universalist by religious persuasion which is a multi path sort of religion which has some parallels to Hindu, Baha’i or maybe something along those lines. I would not be able to participate because your rules prohibit other practices. Because of past experience with other spiritual practices or religions that exclude other ways or traditions, I respectfully have some reservations. I looked for a diversity friendly way of being that allowed for my transgender identity. I have to say I went through my fair share of fundamentalism as well as agnostic and pagan before I found a way that allowed for me to be myself without an unpleasant conflict of the hegemony of their world view vs. my own. It’s a powerful thing to break the hegemony.

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33 minutes ago, xenspirit said:

I am glad it works for you. Do what works.

I practice yoga and reiki as well as my own self designed affirmations. All of these I see as spiritual or energy related but not religious and not incompatible. I am a Unitarian Universalist by religious persuasion which is a multi path sort of religion which has some parallels to Hindu, Baha’i or maybe something along those lines. I would not be able to participate because your rules prohibit other practices. Because of past experience with other spiritual practices or religions that exclude other ways or traditions, I respectfully have some reservations. I looked for a diversity friendly way of being that allowed for my transgender identity. I have to say I went through my fair share of fundamentalism as well as agnostic and pagan before I found a way that allowed for me to be myself without an unpleasant conflict of the hegemony of their world view vs. my own. It’s a powerful thing to break the hegemony.

Neu energy meditation is neither religious not spiritual. It is completely science based and more specifically quantum physics.  Thus I would say it is agnostic. When I meditate, I focus on the Hindu energy icon, Krishna and when I do healing for say a christian, I focus on Jesus and on Allah for someone from the Islamic faith.

So for me these icons are sources of positive or neutral energy and I tap into through the meditation technique. 

However, it is my personal observation that when I engaged in other forms of meditation such as Pranic Healing or participated in religious activities, the energy flow is not derived.

So the worst that would happen if you practice something else along with Neu Energy meditation is that  you are only able to bring in peace within you but not derive any energy healing.

There is though one condition for practicing Neu Energy meditation and this is important and which is when practicing it no one should cause disturbance. If someone say interrupts the meditation, they may face some negativity.

Hope I clarified this clearly.

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@xenspirit I can relate to both your and @neuguru's perspective.

I recently did a ten-day Vipassana retreat, and during that time, we were asked only to follow the guidance of S.N. Goenka. After the duration of the retreat, of course, we were allowed to do as we see fit. It was explained to us that that way we would give the technique a fair try and after could decide for ourselves how much or little it helps us and if we want to stick to it.
I think that's ok, to ask to try the technique for the duration of the course exclusively. On the other hand, I absolutely agree that fundamentalism that claims to have the only answer and doesn't allow people ever to try anything else aims for control over them instead of helping them to find freedom.

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Hi i would be interested. How do I go about it ? Thanks 

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