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Healing Schizophrenia through diet and gut microbiome?

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My concern is that this could be really dangerous for certain people to think they could have schizophrenia cured by diet changes. Their safety and the safety of those around them... I have a family history of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. I have had dear loved ones with these disorders. I do not myself have schizophrenia.


I realize over medication is a problem. And some psychiatric treatments seem barbaric to me. But there are also some legitimate reasons for sedation and anti psychosis medications as well as anti anxiety meds.


I would caution people not to just go off meds without talking it over with an expert practitioner, whether they are holistic or traditional. By expert I mean someone who has first hand experience treating schizophrenia so there is no experimentation factor. In other words, you should be able to know possible dangers before you start and be prepared to handle them.

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I agree with @xenspirit The headline claiming to have schizophrenia cured by diet makes a very bold and for some ppl maybe even dangerous claim. When treating schizophrenia, there should be a professional involved. One size doesn't fit all. That goes for the new treatments or ideas as it goes with the established ones.

There are so many connections in body and mind, so many unknown or newly discovered factors, mysteries and very personal influences that I think it's important to stay open, curious yet critical. Why not try changing your diet to something healthier, cutting down on meat and then with every step seeing how it affects you. "Healthier diet -> healthier body -> positive effects on the mind" these connections seem more than plausible. Healthy, regular eating, fresh air and exercise are important parts of effective and lasting therapy for depression as well yet I wouldn't call them the cure based on a comment in a youtube video.

Maybe something like: Could the gut bacteria's health influence our mental health?


  • 2 years later...
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Although I have no personal experience on the topic, I find this an interesting debate. Schizophrenia cured by diet is certainly a bold statement (or in this case, question!) and it has created a really interesting conversation. I also believe in a healthy balance and mix between both types of medicine - there are benefits to be had from both. And there are absolutely cases where doctors are too quick to prescribe a drug, and as mentioned above, other cases where there is absolutely no other way.


The most important thing is to find what works for you and your health, and to keep an open mind.💫

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I agree with the previous speakers that a miracle cure through a balanced bacterial culture in the intestine can give many people hope to escape from the dictates of the pharmaceutical industry, but to postulate this as a general cure also against mental illnesses I also consider dangerous.


Just like the uncritical trust in classic pharmaceutical medications. How about compromises that the individual affected person decides for himself? 


Proven industrial drugs can give insecure or anxious patients a basic security. And if something is of natural origin, it does not mean that it is automatically healthy or healing.


A generalized statement like schizophrenia cured by diet is just as incorrect as schizophrenia cured by psycho drug X. The individual truth probably lies in between.


I find that a healthy critical attitude in ALL directions is a good guide and I feel distrust when someone claims to have found the perfect solution for something. 


But overall, I also want to say that there is of course a very very strong connection between psyche and physique, the state of our psyche significantly affects the health of our body as well as vice versa.


It cannot be denied that the state of our digestive system (and our gut brain!) noticeably affects our mental health (and thus our cerebral brain). But to deduce from this that schizophrenia cured by diet is to be generalized, I find somehow misleading.

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