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Welcome! I too have just joined. Hope you find the site helpful :)

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Hello. You are so brave to share your experience. It sounds like a difficult place to be. What do you need most right now from this online community?
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Thank you for the welcome xxx Lampatthedoor...it would be great to find someone to talk to and it would be wonderful, simply put, to find a friend. I came here from an advertisement on facebook, the article caught my eye. I'll leave it there, as usual my mind is saying run (metaphorically of course) 

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Hi, Stumble64. I have only just read your new message. I also saw the ad on Facebook. I am still learning how to navigate Happiness.com. So you are looking to get to know like-minded people and hopefully build new friendships? I think real friendship, as opposed to virtual friends, is a bit like fruit. It takes time to ripen, but when it does... it is so good it touches your soul sometimes. You write very interesting lines... is your mind easily distracted or scared? (You wrote about it telling you to run). I appreciate your authenticity in describing your experience as it is happening. I will be very happy to keep dialoguing in my free time and LetitiaEve is also looking for friendship and has extended her hand to you. May you find what you are looking for and have a less painful week.
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