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My name is Willie Newborn and I’m 48 and I’ve suffered from mental health disorders my whole life and addiction and today. God has granted me freedom from all my disorders and a brand new mindset. This has been a 5 year journey of extreme lows and  mind blowing highs. This was a constant battle, it would shoot up and crash over and over, my therapist suggested putting me on medication but I knew God could heal me and then one day out of nowhere I started to get answers on how to fight back , with in a week something great happened my neurons started to work , but this was when the real work would begin, how to balance my highs and lows, so it would balance without drugs. This process has been brutal because I have to be aware when it’s spiking or going to crash. It truly takes practice and not giving up and forgiving myself when I fail and figure out what I missed and learn from it. Today I still have spikes but it’s totally different I spike up and be super motivated and I get answers to the things I never knew or read a book about. This is soaring at a whole new level without side effects, but wreckless knowledge that I have to process. I believe our mental Illness gives us super powers.

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Hello! I saw the angel number 444 so I knew I had to reply when I saw this topic. First I want to say that it takes a lot of courage to talk about mental illnesses and addiction. I have also had a long life of being told I was mentally unwell. Then after my failed marriage, I was introduced to drugs at 28 years old. So I completely understand. I loved that you said our illnesses give us super powers! I used to believe that. Lol now I can see that we all have gifts and powers BUT it's a matter of choosing to see and wanting then, learning and practicing, and then using them to help others. It sounds like you are/have been experiencing a spiritual awakening. And/or an ego death/dark of the soul. I have been through these myself. It can be so painful but also so enlightening and liberating at the same time. My last one occurred when I had felt abandoned by literally the whole planet. Not a soul to turn to. I now know that this was all part of my soul mission. I knew I had to back myself so far into a corner that I'd have no choice but to look within and when I did, I found the universe, spirit, God. Whatever term you'd like to use. I have learned so much about myself and I now know that since I understand myself, I can better understand others, and ultimately the world. I just wanted to tell you that the super powers you have, you were born with. It just took the universe shaking your life down the foundation for you to gain a different perspective and begin to build from the ground up. The spiritual journey isn't for the weak of heart or mind. It is a true test of FAITH! Congratulations and continue keeping that positive attitude!! It will take you wherever your heart desires! 

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