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How to learn to be happy with yourself.

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Hello, I'm a 24 year old man. I have signed up here because I have gone through severe depressions throughout my life. This year, my depression was so severe, that I went through a psychotic episode with symptoms of schizophrenia for 2 weeks. During that period of time, I have lost friends and fucked up an opportunity with a girl that meant a lot to me. All this happened at the end of my stay in South of France, where I was doing my bachelor's degree for 3 years. It's difficult for me to realise that a lot of people, who I might see again in my life, talk trash behind my back without even knowing that i was behaving very awkwardly because of that psychotic episode. Recently, I moved to another city to do my Master's degree. As usual, I feel lonely and depressed, but I managed to get out of that psychotic episode. What triggers me the most, is that I can be a very social person when I'm in society, I would describe myself as pretty charismatic, and confident when I talk to or in front of a lot of people, but despite that fact, I don't manage to create intimate bonds with other people and at the end of the day, I remain a lonely man. I would like to share my thoughts with other people who can relate to this or who experienced similar things in their life and find solutions to overcome the overwhelming negative thoughts that our brain create.

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I agree that finding good friends as an adult is difficult.

I think, there are two important things to make a friendship an intimate bond. You should see or talk to each other on a regular basis, so you get to know each other's habits and overcome the usual small talk.
And occasionally, you should talk to each other without other people around. That's important to share insecurities and build up trust.

Sharing a hobby is a great way to meet people and to meet on a regular basis.
I am a hobby photographer and I like to meet and exchange with other photographers and models on photo walks. This way I find people for photo projects and I get a lot of new ideas.

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My name is Willie and I’m 48 years old, and I’ve suffered from the same thing for over 35 years including addiction, and I’ve been researching and using different techniques on myself and noticed that we all have a spirit inside of us and when I tapped into that my depression and bipolar and ADHD has gotten so much better. This takes time to line out, but meditation and processing your feelings before you have a break and try to prevent it from taking control. It takes practice and the more you practice the principles of acceptance and  being honest with yourself even when you go through a break, your mind will start to respond. The mind can heal itself and it will go to normal and stay functioning if you keep fighting for it to work for you. It may also take getting a Therapist and dealing with some deep hurt.

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