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Hi and I was looking for some advice for myself . 
I was seeing a man for 5 years , we were compatible we were good friends and I thought I found the love of my life until I figured out he had a wife with 4 kids . 

I am shattered that I was duped . On further discussion he told me that he lied because he did not want to loose me but I feel take. In for a ride. 
I really don’t know why I was so dumb and how I never did a background check

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What kind of advice would you like? I mean, it happened and now it's over, right?

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You did nothing wrong by wishing to be in a loving relationship with someone. We all desire to be loved and cherished by someone.

This man however seems like the type that wanted to have his cake and eat it so to speak. He was cheating on his wife with you and cheating on you at the same time by lying to you about the true nature of his relationship status.

He was entirely to blame in this instance.

You did nothing wrong.
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I'm a lightworker with great knowledge of the world. It hurts, I know, but to truly understand true love, you have to feel deep sorrow. I'm sorry that you went through this, but once the storm settles and the light starts shining again, you'll be thankful that he proved you a lesson. You are not stupid. Life gives us paths, and you probably have a gift of seeing the best in people, like me. I got burnt a lot, but now I realise what I am connected to everything, and the feeling is amazing but a hard path to follow. You will have setbacks. It's a gift to see the best in everyone, but we need to remember that we can see the best but can't let that blind us from the darksides

  • 2 weeks later...
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I’m so sorry you went through this. You’re not stupid. You have faith in the goodness of humanity but these days we can really no longer afford to give people the benefit of the doubt. It’s likely this man is a narcissist, and they are very dangerous people to be around for the reason that you speak of.  Their  mission in life is to make things look like everything is your fault when it isn’t.  He has showed you how really awful some people can be and in doing so you’ll know the signs to look for the next time. Grieve the loss and look forward to meeting the man who is really right for you!

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