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Learning & Sharing being present in the moment of consciousness

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I’m definitely up for sharing n learning, just joined. Hi there ??

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My journey into being more present was through MBSR. First, I did the course myself, and after looking back at the profound effects, it had on my personal life, I decided to become a teacher so I can share this. (You can find the course for free here in our academy)

Looking back, there are several keys in my journey. First, I learned about the nature of thoughts and that I didn't have to believe them. Second I realized that I could influence where my attention goes and third I began to allow the present to take up more space in my consciousness. Especially gratitude - These days I realize that the more I end up in ruminations about the past or future the more I suffer (learning from experiences and planning for the future are fine though). When I focus on what is REAL, what is around me, which threats are present not imaginary, and then take in the good that surrounds me with gratitude, my life becomes much more relaxed, lighter, joyful, and I become kinder and more understanding yet clear in my boundaries.

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On 10/16/2019 at 3:34 AM, Yvonne said:

Thanks to open the discussion @Wealthyminds66. I'm currently trying to go to the presence process by Michael Brown. It's about entering into present moment awareness. According to Michael Brown we have deeply suppressed emotional imprints that are programmed into us through experience and other's example and that we are reacting instead of responding. Well, I'm still at the beginning of this journey. It's not just a book, but he proposes a 10-week process to go through. I'll post more about those special topics, but I wanted to share it already. There is also a website where you can find more information about it. http://www.thepresenceprocessportal.com/ Did anybody else go through the experience of the presence process?


This sounds like some of the state of mind work I used to do soul retrieval when I was seeking the root of my suppressed fears. 

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I'm reading 'The Untethered Soul' by Michael A Singer which is about this topic - I find some of the concepts quite challenging and hard to grasp - has anyone else read it?

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Living in the moment where past and future no longer affect us can be a very difficult task to master. But With a lot of meditation and reflection inward it is fully possible to become someone, who live only in the present moment. Nothing within spiritual Growth comes of it own :) It is a 24/7 cultivation of Our mind and body. 

In my past i spend more then 20 years practicing Theravada Buddhism, and my Focus was at living in the moment. It was not difficult when living alone, but when suddenly there become a Family, where they wanted my attention a lot, then it become very hard to only stay in the moment.

What helped me was to let og of as many attachments to life as i could. And now when i have converted to Falun Gong, to let og of my attachments are still something i working on every day. 

I can say that to not think of past or preparing for futre events are more or less impossible if we do not embrace spiritual living 100%. But in my understanding what it means to only live in the moment is to Accept the past as it is. an Accept whatever we experience in the future as it is Our Destiny to experience it anyway. All we do in life is to learn about Our self :) and to fix Our own poblems

  • 5 months later...
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Being in the present moment would mean not clinging to the past and not wondering about the future. Even for the very presence of this present moment, that is in front of you, it's already passed. You only attempt to "look" for the true present moment, staying your awareness to the moment - gently, and almost like touching it with your heart thru' your senses.. then you'll realize something, something about emptiness and the true meaning of happiness.

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