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(This is a short series of 10 articles I wrote) Part 1;

1 / Collecting the stars

 Light in your eyes reflects the stars at night. Dreaming you have someone at your side but standing alone with a vision of past and future, or is it hope? If you head you feel that light tingling of energy streaming from up down in your head, your shoulders and filling your breasts. The energy fills your body and slowly occupies your soul. A gentle feeling lands on you and makes you sit down in complete peace of mind.

 What happened? The Universe is filled with energy and you are a part of it. Sometimes the “doors” of “heaven” open and your body is on the right place to be filled with the energy. The best way is to compare with a flash of lightning striking the earth. The chance it happens is very rare but when it happens you are completely consumed by it. Some people will encounter it and others never do.

 Is it possible to seek these places on earth to encounter the energy transfers? Yes, it is! The selection is not as random as most people think. Thunderstorms bring lightning, that is clear to everyone. Before and after these storms the energy of the “air” is still high. On a special altitude and right natural environment, the energy levels increase faster than elsewhere. Sometimes an energy tunnel opens and streams of cosmic energy exchange with the earth. This shows a close connection between the earth and the Universe. The interaction is positive and can never harm a person who interacts with it.

 Cosmic energy is not like electricity, unlike the thunder flashes of lightning. It is pure non-electric energy used to exchange information between parts of nature. The idea that earth is just rock is only believed by the people who do not understand the real concept of life. Our earth and the Universe are as much alive as we are, only on a different level of conception. Everything has a form of life. The difference between us and these living forms is the “biological” component of our existence.

 As a biological form, our weakness is the temporary existence, our lives are made for a short period. Biological elements live in cycles of time. The Universe does not, time is no essence there. When we can be open and collect the “stars” it is possible to enlarge our soul to become a Universal part and transfer our life energy back to the origin, connect with the core of life, the Universal energy.

 Interested? Let your messages flow to me……….

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