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Seeing For The First Time

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Something happened to me that I have to talk about. I had the worst nightmare in my entire life. I was at my own funeral and I was watching myself be buried and I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to accomplish in my life. It was as if I wasted my whole life. When I woke up I was filled with fear and panic. It led me down the path I am today, one with a clear vision and a plan of action that I take daily. Part of my journey is sharing my vision with others so that they can also live the life they want to live and be the person they need to become. I created this guided meditation in the hopes it would help someone, in it you get to discover your vision and purpose for the first time in your life and learn an entire new way of seeing. It's extremely powerful so please make sure you are in the right mindset before you try it alone the quiet of your room.




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