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Your happiness is the best.... Do what makes you happy my dear. Marriage should not be a bondage. Make the kid's understand the situation and what the outcome could look like. 

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3 hours ago, Julie-1885 said:

I'm a lady of 37 yrs. My husband use to cheat on me for a very long time, every time when I found out he ask me for forgiveness. Few days ago I forgave him again but I feel now like I'm so tired of him coz he doesn't feel my emotions when I'm feeling so hungry this means he doesn't love me he is just forcing to be with me. Well he is a good person with other life I mean like taking care of the family and development in life he is good, the problem is...he is only getting break after arguing when cheating. He told me he will never repeat but I don't believe any more. We have 3 kids together and I feel sorry for my kids I will devorce their father. What should I do I'm confused 

I will take care

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Dear,one don't die to the person who is not ledy to die for you , do this you will thanks me
1.Ignore him
2. Find something which will keep you busy
3.Don't talk to him about his behavior
4. Focus with your children
5. Some times take your self out , dress well,
6. Change in everything iven if you find message in his phone , or he with another women don't ask him , don't react , bat show him that you know and you gave seen , this is only way for you to be happy , if he loves you will see his behavior changing and trying to be close to you bcz he will think that you have another Man out ,
Don't give up bat make him to pay what he has done by tears ,Don't live you Marriage for another Women, for those prostitute Don't surrender bcz that it is War , we never surrender war just simple like that . he will be the first to surrender.🚪🏃💨
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You should live your life with dignity and definitely leave such man who js cheating on you. We only get one life and you should not continue to compromise.
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Do not divorce your husband because he cheating, pray for God if you love your kids , for him to change, live with him like there is nothing going on, each time you noticed he cheated, confront him, not in anger, not in fight, after calmly asking him why can’t he stop cheating , walk away, don’t fight , don’t give him attitude, just live like you are okay , minding your business. He will feel remorse someday, he will love you and then begged you to forgive him. Because, if you no longer care about his cheating , he will feel foolish and ashame of his life , he will stop it.
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