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Questions about life

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Thank you and a very Happy New Year to you too! Glad that you reached this forum, I am sure you will find various points of view, opinions and advice to  get some clarity. 
In my opinion, you have to put yourself on priority, and make choices that suit you, if that means finding another job, or even changing jobs, do it, and feather your nest. The world would have you believe that that is a selfish and self centered thing to do, but if you don't put yourelf and your family first, who will?? If the job was enough and you were able to manage within it well and good, but since you yourself feel the lack, you have to reconsider your time commitment to them and make changes. 
Start applying for different jobs and put your wishes out in the universe, you never know what could turn up and this feeling or unrest is pushing you towards your destiny and a better way of life. Don't ignore it, do what you should and do what it takes to make the changes. 
Good luck, I am sure it will all work out for you!! 

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A little introduction of myself first:

I'm 27, I wanted to become an engineer and because I needed to make money anyway, I chose the way of a dual system. So I went to the university and I got educated in a company at the same time.

Unfortunately, I failed and ended up with just the company's education as a trainee, which was my version of your 60 % effort jobs.

But since I really wanted to be an engineer, I went back to the university after finishing the company's eduaction and I became an engineer.


You can ask yourself what you like to do.

Would you like to be a full-time teacher?

Would you like to be a sports coach?


If you want to be a teacher, you can try to figure out, what type of teacher the schools are looking for. Maybe you can add mathematics to your répertoire of teaching classes if that's what the schools are looking for.


If you would like to be a sports coach you can try to coach people in a sports club. Something like ice hockey is pretty popular in canada, right?

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On 1/1/2023 at 3:32 PM, BeyondTheWall said:

Hey guys, 


I wanted to start by wishing you all a happy new year! I'd also like to apologize in advance about my english as it isn't my first language so sorry for the mistakes here and there. 


I got on this forum in a pretty random way, but I am a firm believer that you always end up where you need to be. I am here to maybe get some guidance, some help, some vision from other people. Sending my questions in the universe and maybe see things a different way. It's going to be a long read, but here is my story. 


I have 2 degrees from University, one in Physical Education teaching and one in Physical Activity science applied in sports training. During the process of getting that, school and work put a lot of pressure on myself and I dealt with depression and anxiety from all of it, I had some very dark days. I found help, found ways to deal with it all, and even through the darkest days of my life, I kept hoping that things would get better and that I would be happy in the end. I am now 30, I am father to a healthy little girl of 16 months, I am owner of a beautiful house. I work out a lot to deal with my demons and help me get motivated and keep pushing. 


I work as a Phys Ed teacher and also work part time as a trainer in a prep school program to help me get some more money. As fun as my job are, there is no stability in the line of work I am in. Every year, I am thrown to a new school and even though I am ready to work full time, even more than full time, there is no opportunity for me to do so. I always get the "leftovers", and it's going to be a while before I get to be full time. I am not here to ask for sympathy or to complain, I kinda knew that already, but I didnt think it would be that bad. All of it has put a lot of financial stress on me every year and I dont know what to do. When I work, I am able to get some good money and get my head out of the water, then it goes back to having no opportunities and I start sinking again. I even went to work with a moving and transport company this summer to help me make it through. 


All of it leads to a lot of questioning from me about life. What do I do, if I try to find other random jobs to help me out, they often dont want to hire me because they know I have my teaching job. Some want me to put teaching aside but I'll make 3-4x what they offer when/if full time. I sometimes think about doing something else, but what do I do? I thought about national police here in Canada, but that asked me to be 4 months away from my daughter. Do I go back to school in something else? If I do that then it really doesnt help with the financial stress that I already have. I feel a bit lost. I have everything I need to be happy but I have a really hard time enjoying life because I am always in financial stress and work wise, I dont feel satisfied, and also feel handcuffed. I feel like I am using like 60% of my potential and it really affects my mood. 

I really dont know what I am hoping to find on this forum, but maybe some wisdom from someone who went through something similar, or different views from different people, ideas, could help. Even if you have read everything and dont have anything to reply, I appreciate it. 


Thank you all 


I hope this reply finds you well. We are here on earth for a very spasific purpose. This is why you can't figure out whats next. The best thing to do is look deep within yourself and find that child like soul feeling, ya know that one in the chest that none of us wanted to let go? Well, turns out, we weren't supposed to! That feeling IS your soul, your higher self trying to direct you .. along with guardian angels. That feeling also shows up when we get to do things we long for. Right? Well, that's another thing we are missing ! We gave up our true desires because the world has made it almost impossible to do so. See what they are doing to us yet? They are literally taking over our minds and how we use them. (The world/society). All in all, I say, yes, you will need a job but find one that fits your family and finances, but if you really want to feel your soul again, feel and find your true purpose here, take all free time and work towards only having to do the thing you love. If that thing isnt enough for Financial comfort alone after making it happen, add other outlets that you can make income. not saying the road won't have misery, but the end result, well, let's just say, nothing compares!!!!!!!! . Please contact me if you would like me to further my explanation. God Bless 🙌 🙏 ❤️ 

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I’ve read all your answers and appreciate you guys taking the time. It’s been a rough 22 but it’s all going to be okay in the end.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
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Can anyone answer this for me? What to do about unwanted sexual advances from other women? Expecially when they are not your race. I honestly never seen people like this before. No one would guess I am in Jamaica. They dont quit. If you are not interested they just keep doing it- sucking sounds, slapping sounds licking sounds and insisting on sex. There is no help because I will be accused of homophobia. I went an all girls grammar school homosexuals are everywhere in those institutions- I dont have time to be xenophobic or homophobic. I just honestly am not interested.

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vor 11 Stunden, schrieb Deleted profile:

I went an all girls grammar school homosexuals are everywhere in those institutions

So all this happens in grammar school?

I would say it's a teacher's or a director's job to make sure everyone follows the rules.
So you should go to your teacher first, tell him/her what happens and if that doesn't help, talk to the director.

Hopefully, they will warn these people and throw them out if they don't stop it.


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