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How to overcome depression and stress?

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Hey everyone.... This is my first post where I would like to share my thoughts on getting out of the stress we face at work, at home, etc. During this pandemic each and everyone of us must have faced a mental pressure like "come on leave me alone". Yes we all felt the same. Though everything is back to normal I would like to share some ideas that I had followed to overcome this stress which may help you all at times in future to come out of all the pressures we face and have our own happiness.


1) Planning out a random on spot trip- This is the thing which I loved the most and it really helped me a lot to overcome stress. People who work please make sure you are available on a weekend and students make sure that you don't have school on saturday and all your works are completed. Plan for a nice one day trip the night before. What we did was we planned the night before during our dinner and the next morning we were off to the trip. If there are kids in your house never ever inform them about this trip let it be a surprise for them. Because the surprise that they get along with the unplanned trip increases their happiness and reduces a lot of stress from their school works and also improves their mental health. Well back to the point. Plan for the trip the night before and leave to some nice hill station or a field or a river or some beautiful place nearby. Come out of the concrete jungle we live in for a day. Enjoy yourself. Take nice pictures of the nature you enjoy. Cherish the memories. Make sure you take necessary stuffs like water, food, extra pair of clothing, a camera if you can, cash in hand etc. This way you can get a relief from stress, forget everything for a while, be happy and improve your mental health.


2) Indulge in the things that you love- This is another way that really helped me a lot. I love creating mandala arts so making them really helped reduce my stress. You can indulge in any activity that you love to do say singing, sports, cooking, etc. Literally anything that you like. Working on the things that we love helps reduce depression and stress.


3) Families are First- Stop your works for a while and take a break. Have a conversation with your family. Spend more time with them. Because there is no one more supportive than our parents and family. Have good time with them.


4) Take timeouts- Take regular breaks in between your work. Break in the sense not getting into social media and doing a vigorous swiping or checking on other person's status or texting random stuffs. Breaks I mean are take a break in between your work go outside or to the balcony see the outside world, get fresh air, have a glass of water, come back and start with your work. Getting into social media or anything in mobile increases the stress and makes us even more tired as our eyes are stressed so much by looking into laptops and mobiles. And also sitting in the same spot weakens our spine and creates back pain. So walking out to the porch or balcony and seeing the outside world gives us a quick refreshment, makes us active and gives ability to work even faster, reduces stress both physically and mentally.


5) Get in touch with your buddies- Meet your friends in person or talk to them for a while. Going out with them also helps in reducing stress.


6) Reduce unnecessary anger- It's more like pouring fuel into the fire. It doesn't even help but increases the stress even more. So avoid getting angry and try to solve the issue in a calm manner. 


So these are some things that I follow to overcome stress and I hope this would help you guys too.


Thanks for reading. Have a great day ahead.

Be positive and always remember to be kind!!!

Edited by Guest User
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Thank you for sharing these advice, I'm sure we can all find lots of things that resonates with us and our needs 🌻

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