Members Gr**** Posted October 22, 2021 Members The mystical Power of the mind for Wealth We know men and women who do not strive or slave hard but work a few hours a week and make fabulous sums of money. If you are having financial difficulties trying to make ends meet, it means you have not convinced your subconscious mind that you will always have plenty and some to spare. It’s high time we stopped believing the story that the only way we can become wealthy is by the sweat of our brow and hard labor. No it is not so; I think the effortless way of life is the best. We must start doing the thing we love to do and do it for the joy and thrill of it. I know many executives in the country who receives salary of hundreds of millions yearly going on month cruise seeing the world and its beauty spots. Privileged, one in our discussions said to me that he had succeeded in convincing his subconscious mind and that he is worth that much money due to tapping the treasure house of his mindset. He told me that many men in his organization getting about hundreds of thousands a week knows more about the business than he did and could manage it better, but they had no ambition, no creative ideas and are not interested in the wonders of their subconscious mind. Wealth is of the mind Wealth we now know is simply a subconscious conviction on the part of the individual. We absolutely will not become mi-billionaires by saying “I am a mi-billionaire.” We must grow into a wealth consciousness by building into our mentality the idea of wealth and abundance. Our invisible means of support Noticeable is the trouble with most of us especially in the horns of Africa is that we have got no invisible means of support. When business falls away, the stock market drops, in other words, we lose our investments, we seem helpless. The reason for such insecurity is that we do not know how to tap the universal openings of our subconscious mind and we are unacquainted with the inexhaustible storehouse within us. Men with poverty type minds find themselves in poverty stricken conditions while others with minds filled with ideas of wealth are surrounded with everything they need. It’s all about the ideas you habit yourself with. It never is intended that man should lead a life of indigence. Yes you can have wealth, plenty to spare and everything you need. Your words have power to cleanse your mind of wrong ideas and to instill right ideas in their place. Ideal method building a wealth consciousness There is no conflict in the mind when we say, “Wealth.” Furthermore, the feeling of wealth will well up within us as we dwell on the idea of wealth. Perhaps you are saying as you read this chapter, “I need wealth, success and comfort.” This is what you do: Repeat to yourself couple times a day in belief and effort towards achieving what you desire, trusting in Divine powers, “Wealth, Success, comfort.” Acknowledge that these words have tremendous power and that they represent the inner power of the subconscious mind. Anchor your mind on this substantial power within you then conditions and circumstances corresponding to their nature and quality will be manifested in your life. Remember: you are not just saying, “I am wealthy,” rather, you are dwelling on real powers within you. The feeling of wealth, success and comfort produces results; keep this in mind at all times. Our subconscious mind is like a sort of universal financial institution that magnifies whatever we deposit or impress upon it whether it is the idea of wealth or of poverty, comfort or discomfort. We must choose wealth, success, comfort, love, etc. Why our affirmations for wealth fail Talking to many people whose usual complaint is, “I have said for months and years, ‘I am prosperous,’ and nothing ever happened.” Discovering that when we say “I am prosperous, wealthy well established or so,” still we feel within that we were lying to ourselves, we never deemed to exert efforts to work towards achieving our desire and if we did, neither did we exert patience. “I have affirmed all positive words until I am tired” these words a friend and colleague said me. “Things rather are getting worse. I knew when making the statement that it was obviously not true because there never was any aorta of hope.” His statements had already been rejected by the conscious mind coupled with reasons of not exercising some patience and belief, the very opposite of what he outwardly affirmed and claimed was made manifest. Our affirmation succeeds best when it is specific and when it does not produce a mental conflict or argument hence; the statements made by us make matters worse because we suggested our lack. Our subconscious accepts what we really feel to be true not just idle words or statements and the dominant idea or belief is always accepted. Avoid mental conflict Affirmation will not arouse any argument because it does not contradict your subconscious mind impression of financial lack so, making this practical statement frequently, particularly probably prior to sleep or hobby daily helps you think best “Lord I am prospered in all of my interests.” In one of the contracted business plans I suggested to this businessman whose sales and finances were very low and who was greatly worried choosing from alternatives a different line of business. To him I said “Get seated in your office after work or catch time to yourself in a very far isolated place, become quiet and repeat this statement in faith: “My sales are improving every day thanks to your will father.” This statement engaged the cooperation of the conscious and subconscious mind and awesome results followed. Don’t sign blank checks When we are full of fear about the future, we are also, directly writing a blank check and attracting negative conditions to ourselves. We sign blank checks when we make negative statements such as, “I will lose the house because of the mortgage,” “I won’t make it because I have no money,” etc. Our subconscious mind takes our fear and negative statement as our request and proceeds in its own way to bring obstacles, limitation, delays, and lack into our life. Our subconscious gives us compound interest The subconscious multiplies and magnifies whatever you deposit in it. Every morning as you awaken, deposit thoughts of prosperity, success, wealth and peace and dwell upon these concepts. Busy your mind with them as often as possible and these constructive thoughts will find their way as deposits in your subconscious mind and bring forth abundance and prosperity remember that to him that hath the feeling of wealth, more wealth shall be added but to him that hath the feeling of lack, more lack shall be added. Why nothing happened Still skeptical you are now as I can hear you saying, “Oh, I did that and nothing happened.” You got no results because you indulged in fear thoughts perhaps few minutes later and neutralized the good you had affirmed, equally not working to achieve what you affirmed with little to no patience. Now tell me: When you place a seed in the ground, do not dig it up? No. You let it take root and grow right? Suppose, for example, you are going to say, “I shall not be able to make that payment.” Before you get further than, “I shall,” stop the sentence and dwell on a constructive statement such as, “Thank you father for I am prospered in all my interest.” True source of wealth There are within the subconscious infinite number of ideas ready to flow into our conscious mind and appear as cash in our pocketbook in countless ways so, it is never short of ideas. This process continues to go on in our mind regardless of whether the stock market goes up or down in other words, whether our financial pocket drops in value. Our wealth is never truly dependent on bonds, stocks, or money in the bank because these are really only symbols necessary and useful, of course, but only symbols. The point I am embittered to emphasize on is that if you convince your subconscious mind that wealth is yours, and that it is always circulating in your life, you will always and inevitably have it regardless of the form it takes (lands, physical cash, businesses, cars, house, family, peace, comfort, etc. Trying to make ends meet and the real cause Most of people who claim that they are always trying to make ends meet seem to have a great struggle to meet their obligations. Have we listened to their conversation? In many instances their conversation runs along this vein; constantly are they condemning those who have succeeded in life and who have raised their heads above the crowd. Perhaps they are saying, “Oh! That fellow is ruthless and a crook.” You know why? This is why we lack; we condemn the things we so desire and want. The reason we speak critically of our more prosperous associates is because we are envious and covetous of their prosperity. The quickest way to cause wealth to take wings and fly away is to criticize and condemn others who have more wealth than us making our comfort zones more of centre for criticisms. A common stumbling block to wealth Envy is the one emotion and cause of the lack of wealth in the lives of many. Most people learn this the hard way. Example, if we see a competitor depositing large sums of money in the bank and we have only a meager amount to deposit, does it make us envious? The way to overcome this emotion is to say to ourselves, “Isn’t it wonderful! I rejoice in that man’s prosperity. I wish for him greater and greater wealth as I work and believe in God to making me attain his level” Entertaining envious thoughts is devastating because it places us in a very negative position therefore, wealth flows from us instead of to us. If we are ever annoyed or irritated by the prosperity of another, we must claim immediately that we truly wish for him greater wealth in every possible way. This will help neutralize the negative thoughts in our mind and cause an ever greater measure of wealth to flow to us by the law of our own subconscious mind backed by the omnipotent and present power of the heavenly throne. Rubbing out a great mental block to wealth When we are worried and critical about someone whom we claim is making money dishonestly, cease worrying about him. We know such a person is using the law of mind negatively; the law of mind takes care of him. Be careful not to criticize him for the reasons previously indicated. Remember the obstacle to wealth is in our own mind. We sure can destroy that mental block and that we may/should do by getting on mental good terms with everyone. Sleep and grow rich Lull yourself to sleep with the one word and imagination, “Wealth, prosperity, etc. then getting up and fighting to the realization of this desire” you will be amazed at the result. Your desire shall flow to you in avalanches of abundance. As you go to sleep at night, practice the following technique. Repeat the desired words quietly, easily and feelingly and doing this over just like a lullaby. This you will attest as a true example of the magical power of the subconscious mind. Serve yourself with the powers of your mind 1. Decide to be wealthy the easy way with the infallible aid of your subconscious mind. 2. Becoming the richest man in the graveyard is trying to accumulate wealth by the sweat of your brow and hard labor. You do not have to strive or slave hard. 3. Build into your mentality the idea of wealth, prosperity, etc as a subconscious conviction. 4. The trouble with most people is that they have no invisible means of support. 5. Repeat the desired words to yourself slowly and quietly couple times prior to sleep and hobby and your subconscious will bring results to pass in your experience. 6. Keep in mind at all times that the feeling of desire produces results. 7. The mind (conscious and subconscious) must agree. Your subconscious accepts what you really feel to be true. The dominant idea is always accepted by your subconscious mind. The dominant idea should be positivity, not negativity. 8. Overcome any mental conflict regarding wealth by affirming frequently. 9. Stop writing blank checks. Negative statements magnify and multiply your loss. 10. Deposit thoughts of prosperity, wealth and success in your subconscious mind and the latter will give you compound interest. 11. What you consciously affirm, you must not mentally deny a few moments later. This will neutralize the good you have affirmed. 12. Your true source of wealth consists of the ideas in your mind because you can have an idea worth mi-billions. Your subconscious will give you the idea you seek. Envy and jealousy are stumbling blocks to the flow of wealth. Rejoice in the prosperity of others. 13. The limitation or obstacle to wealth is in your own mind. Destroy it now by getting on good mental terms with everyone.
Moderator Tine Posted October 22, 2021 Moderator How I read this article very much depends on how I define wealth for myself. If wealth is defined in contrast to people with less, it's a concept that I do not support because it means that to be happy yourself, you need to stand on the backs of people with less than you. Suppose wealth is having enough so that I do not have to worry. In that case, I wholeheartedly wish this to everybody, and I also think we could archive that because if distributed well, we can all experience abundance.
Members Qu**** Posted January 10, 2022 Members Extreme poverty and extreme wealth is an illness if society and materialistic living. This is not just about mindset, but hoarding of wealth and abuse of those in poverty.
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