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HI EVERYONE! I would love to get to know a few people!

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Hi Jenny ? Sounds like you're in a dark place? Our darker emotions are not actually a bad thing. If it wasn't for the darkness, why would we even bother to reach for the light? We can't find happiness out there because happiness is a state of being - not an object, a relationship or situation. I know you know this already, I'm just reminding you ? The disillusionment we experience out there - When the world fails us, like it never seemed to before - is just a sign we need to look elsewhere for our happiness. I hope this makes sense?

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Hi Karen ? I've been away from here for nearly a week. I'm in a bar and having just finished my dinner I started reading a book called 'Breakthrough' by a guy who after Awakening calls himself 'Open' https://www.openhandweb.org/ I suddenly felt a bit distracted and started pondering some of the synchronistic events I've experienced over the last few days - including here a few moments ago - and as I looked across at a mother hugging her child and feeling how wonderful that is, I suddenly felt inspired to come back to this thread. Through the sequence of what I was reading earlier, what I had just observed and felt, followed by reading your reply...I realised that purely through paying attention to the moment in a heart centred way, there is no need to try, control, manage life or even 'do' anything as such. It's all symbolic. Just observe the beauty that flows through and flowers all around you as the unfoldment of our Being in the present moment.

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Hi Jenny, I'm new to this site as well and read everyone's response which is positive and real. Most of us have situations; and if we focus on the situations or problems then we will feel sad about life disappointments which are real. Focus on something positive that makes you smile. To say a daily positive affirmation can help. You can google those. Depending upon your sadness seek medical advise, consult with your doctor for help. When I feel perplex about a situation...my prayer life increases. I don't know your spiritual state, but I believe there is a God. I live in the US and of Christian faith. Through Christ I have peace. Not that I don't have issues, but I have peace. Many blessings!!!

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