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The H Project (business for dignity)

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If you don't have what to feed your family or how to pay your bills and rent, you can't have the luxury to be happy  

That's why am proposing this Human project that could all of us have the economic dignity then 90% of them will be happy , just be sure ! Open to all ideas and the brainstorming will give birth to the Project the H Project.


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It's true that the stress of everyday life such as paying the bills and taking care of a family are often something that can block happiness for many of us. Although money definitely doesn't equal happiness, it helps if at least the worry of making ends meet each month is taken out of the equation. 

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Well, of course am speaking about 80% of the human beings that their salaries can't reach the end of the month ... Money is the base money is how you can breath , is not the source of happiness in itself but it will give you the dignity to not ask other for charity. Let's be honest and practical: once you put food on the table you can begin your pursuit of happiness unless you will be traking how to survive like animals and animals doesn't know that happiness exists... 

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