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im not gonna lie, im here because im a pretty screwed up person and im trying to turn this thing around.

im 33, male and have numerous psychological problems that ive failed to get addressed and have a long, sad and embarrassing backstory that i won't go into now, i fear its in my dna to constantly fail but we will see.

 im trying to focus on the positive now, trying to but just for starters one problem i have is a fascination with the morbid and the grotesque, just as an frivolous example my favourite type of music is horror video game music like silent hill. is that attracting bad energy to me do you think? or can i work on positive outlook and still continue to listen to that type of music.

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In MBSR, we say "acceptance precedes change", so looking honestly at who you are and which challenges you face is the first step to tackling them successfully. So congratulations on that. 🙂
And to your question: When it comes to the taste of music I remember some studies that music you like makes you happy and doesn't have to be happy music - the key is that you enjoy it. So if you happen to be in a somewhat depressed mood, you can also turn it around a little by using music you like. The idea is to create a playlist that first fully reflects the mood you are in and then gradually - song by song - lifts you up a little, and only you know which songs will do that for you.
A dark sense of humour can also be a way to deal with and name some bad stuff we face in life; this isn't necessarily bad in itself. Find your flavour of happy - it might be liquorice. 😉

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Personally, I like the band "the Tiger Lilies" and I am a meditation teacher - these things go well together 😉

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