icon-wio Nisala's event is happening soon
  • 29.03.2025 0:00:48
  • Online event 5 April 2025, 01:00
Online Meditation Sessions with Acharin (Webinars)
(Free introductory session)
Deeply Relax by Nada (sound-based guided meditations)
Do you know that sessions of guided meditation by Acharin can get you in touch with a deep state of awareness? And that experiencing this simple yet profound state can deeply relax you, and bestow many benefits such as letting go of negative states such as sadness, fear, anger, etc.,cutting down inner chatter, and setting you on the path of awakening...?
icon-wio Nisala created an event
  • 23.03.2025 1:00:04
  • Online event 12 April 2025, 01:00
Online Meditation Sessions with Acharin (Webinars)
(Free introductory session)
Deeply Relax by Nada (sound-based guided meditations)
Do you know that sessions of guided meditation by Acharin can get you in touch with a deep state of awareness? And that experiencing this simple yet profound state can deeply relax you, and bestow many benefits such as letting go of negative states such as sadness, fear, anger, etc.,cutting down inner chatter, and setting you on the path of awakening...?
icon-wio Nisala created an event
Online Meditation Sessions with Acharin (Webinars)
(Free introductory session)
Deeply Relax by Nada (sound-based guided meditations)
Do you know that sessions of guided meditation by Acharin can get you in touch with a deep state of awareness? And that experiencing this simple yet profound state can deeply relax you, and bestow many benefits such as letting go of negative states such as sadness, fear, anger, etc.,cutting down inner chatter, and setting you on the path of awakening...?
icon-wio Calvin77 has uploaded new photos
  • Calvin77
  • Calvin77
icon-wio joanna uploaded a new photo
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icon-wio juliusxyg uploaded a new photo
  • 09.06.2023 9:13:53
  • male (31)
  • Berlin
  • juliusxyg
icon-wio juliusxyg has uploaded new photos
  • 01.08.2022 8:16:14
  • male (31)
  • Berlin
  • juliusxyg
  • juliusxyg
icon-wio lifestylecabins has uploaded new photos
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  • lifestylecabins
DavidSmith likes Happy Yoga Central
icon-wio joanna uploaded a new photo
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icon-wio beautyprecision has uploaded new photos
  • 20.07.2022 7:17:27
  • n/a (39)
  • Chester
  • beautyprecision
  • beautyprecision
New members joined Sex Academy Barcelona
  • arfanali4710
  • Savario99
icon-wio Tine created a topic in Friendship, Love, Relationship Forum
Feelings: what we expect and how they really are for us
I realized a gap between how - for example in movies - feelings are portraied and how I often experience them in real life.
Homesickness is an example - I just never had that big time. At times I felt guilty because I thought it means that I do not love/ appreciate my family and friends.
In reality I think I am totally ok, but my expectation of how I should feel are off, due to the constant exageration in the media. Exagerated feelings, beauty, experiences, ... some people might feel this way Read more…
LikeLizzie · 2 Replies
Jay61 likes YOGA OMNIUM Barcelona
icon-wio Tine created a topic in Feedback & Technical Stuff
The effects of scammers on me - a personal note
Recently gets flooded with scammers. I guess that's somewhat normal for a community, and maybe it means that we are growing, but I also feel really sad, disappointed, and at times mad about this development. Perhaps we are naive to think we can create a safe space anywhere for people to be themselves, create a supportive community, and relax. Maybe the lesson here is never to let our guard down, never to trust, and never to help anyone because it might be a scam.
But this is not Read more…
LikeBerta, hamburgo, Emmanueljoseph and 6 more… · 11 Replies
london888 likes Happy Lotus BCN
icon-wio Tine created a topic in Feedback & Technical Stuff
happiness HeartCORE - Contribution and Appreciation
The happiness 💚CORE team consists of people who support this project in many different ways according to their interests and abilities.
This thread is a place where we want to make space for the appreciation of those people. Did someone help you in a kind and unexpected way? Please give them a little shout-out here.Let the community know about the small and big kind deeds which happen each day and acknowledge the often unseen effort which makes this project possible.
(If you want to learn more Read more…
Likekimala, Henrymowi, nancy434 and 44 more… · 20 Replies
New members joined Wellco.
  • Balaaj
  • accra242
New members joined ANIMA QUARZ
  • Balaaj
  • Tegular59
  • accra242