Can an abundant mindset radically affect our choices and determine the course of our lives? Sonia Vadlamani believes so. Here she shares explains the meaning of abundance mindset and mentality, and
Obsessive thoughts are damaging to both mental and physical health. Discover how to stop thinking about something – or someone – with these 9 techniques from Dee Marques.
Ever found
The pandemic put a stop to embracing friends and family. But the power of a hugging is real. With annual National Hug Day on 21 January, Dee Marques explores the psychology of hugging with seven
From boosting your mood to lowering stress, the power of kindness is real. In fact, science shows the benefits of being kind are greater for the giver than the receiver. So, as Calvin Holbrook
Shadow work involves examining our personality flaws in an attempt to understand ourselves better. It's tough work but hugely beneficial. Psychologist Stanislava Puač Jovanović shares 31 shadow work
People who spent more time in nature these past two years have been happier and less stressed. By Jill Suttie on behalf of Greater Good Science Center.
Living through the COVID-19
If you constantly feel like you don't want to do anything, you could simply be demotivated. However, you could also (unknowingly) be in a deep depression. Dee Marques explains how you can distinguish
Letting go of the past isn't easy – especially when we are hardwired to hold on to certainty – but doing so isn't helpful. Psychologist Stanislava Puač Jovanović explores nine ways you can learn how
While thinking about past actions can sometimes help you move forward in life, thinking too much can have the opposite effect and lead to depression and anxiety. Dee Marques shares nine steps to take
We all spend too much time 'in our heads' now and again. But overthinking regularly can be detrimental to our mental health if those thoughts are negative, so it's important to remember you are not
An often invisible illness, diagnosing quiet borderline personality disorder isn't easy. Luckily, the treatment for this condition can be, as psychologist Stanislava Puač
Is the intuitive thought process reliable, and can we quantify it? Sonia Vadlamani discusses forms of intuitive thinking and why implementing these can help us make better
Can tapping into your intuition help you create the life you want? Sonia Vadlamani explains why it’s beneficial to hone our intuitive sense to make better decisions and lead a happier, meaningful
When we are stuck making a decision, inner turmoil or conflict often arises, leading to both mental and physical health issues. Psychologist Stanislava Puač Jovanović explains the reasons for inner
Science suggests that mind-wandering freely to more pleasant and playful thoughts may improve our mood and foster creativity. By Jill Suttie on behalf of Greater Good Science
Purposefully examining our personalities for flaws and negative traits can be unsettling but the rewards are many. Psychologist Stanislava Puač Jovanović explains what shadow work is, the benefits it
Being in any kind of relationship with someone lacking in empathy and compassion can be challenging. But as Dee Marques suggests, you don't have to put up with it. Discover the signs that show
Are you a perfectionist? Always seem to be busy? Do you find it hard to say ‘no’? Then you may be living with high functioning anxiety. Psychologist Stanislava Puač Jovanović explains how the
Do you believe the idea that money can’t buy happiness? Think again. Research suggests that cash can improve well-being to a certain level. But, as Dee Marques finds out, essentially, it’s how you
A new book explains how feeling awestruck can make you happier, healthier and more connected. By TEJA PATTABHIRAMAN on behalf of Greater Good Science Center.
What is awe? We have
Failure to self-validate can lead to problems such as impulsive behaviour and the inability to manage emotional responses. Psychologist Stanislava Puač Jovanović explores why many of us fail at
Most of us are trying to find greater happiness in our lives. Follow these 11 science-backed tips from Calvin Holbrook every day, and you could naturally boost your well-being.
What is the definition of happiness? Does it involve fancy holidays, flash cars or lavish shopping trips? Well, only if you want a cheap thrill. As Calvin Holbrook discovers, the true meaning of
Ever had the feeling of complete focus and contentment on a work task or hobby? That's called 'flow', and when you find it, cherish it. Because, as Arlo Laibowitz explains, finding that elusive state
Who exactly is Jon Kabat-Zinn? Arlo Laibowitz tells us more about the father of mindfulness in the Western world and the creator of the hugely popular and beneficial MBSR course. Plus, read some of