For those unfamiliar with the term, omnisexuality can be confusing. Sonia Vadlamani breaks down the meaning of omnisexuality, how it plays out in relationships, and debunks common myths surrounding
In a relationship and don't know where it's going? Are you or your 'partner' avoiding commitment? You may be in a situationship. Dee Marques explains the meaning of situationships, plus tips on how
Neurodivergent individuals express and receive affection differently to the majority. So, from info dumping to parallel play, discover the five distinct neurodivergent love languages and learn how to
Don't always have the words to say you love someone? Then 'pebbling' – a gesture originating from penguins – could work for you. As Dee Marques explains, pebbling is the act of sending loved-ones
Learning how to talk to a parent with dementia takes both resilience and time. Dee Marques shares eight key strategies to help you deal with the communication process more
If you struggle to give your full attention to others when in conversation, mindful listening can help you improve your conversation skills. Dee Marques explains six ways to develop the practice and
Humans aren't meant to be alone all the time: connecting as part of a meaningful community is important for our mental well-being. Dee Marques discovers seven ways in which community belonging can
Making new friends as an adult isn't as difficult as it seems. So, if you've ever thought 'I have no friends', these six tips from Ed Gould will boost your buddy count and your happiness
Laughing during or after sex is more common than you'd think. And while you may get a fit of the giggles when something goes wrong, laughter during or after sex also signifies an incredibly
Friendships make us happier and healthier, so research says. However, friendships that are unfulfilling or fading can have the opposite effect. Sonia Vadlamani identifies seven signs that someone
When a friend is grieving, it's not always easy to know what to say or do to try and help them. Paula Stephens shares seven suggestions on how you can support a friend who is experiencing grief by
We tend to think of bullying of something that happens only at school, but the reality is that abuse and power control commonly extend into adulthood too. Dee Marques looks at the forms adult bullies
Friendships are important, and so when we become disappointed in our friends it can sometimes be both upsetting and confusing. Sonia Vadlamani suggests seven effective and easily-actionable steps to
Some friendships are struck under easy circumstances. But will they stand the test of time and are these friendships worth nurturing? Sonia Vadlamani suggests the seven signs to help you identify if
When a friendship dissolves it can be hard to adjust, so how exactly do you get over a friendship breakup? Psychologist Stanislava Puač Jovanović explains seven steps to move on and then make new
The loss of a friend is challenging and will affect you differently depending on your stage of life. From journaling to scrapbooking, Dee Marques offers up five ways to cope with the
Can friendship goals help us create and maintain longstanding, enriched friendships? Sonia Vadlamani shows how to set and achieve best friend goals with the help of some
Sonia Vadlamani discusses why longstanding social connections matter for our well-being and happiness, and the key qualities that true friendship encompasses.
Most of us will agree
Friendships are vital for our well-being and happiness. But forging them can be hard, especially as we grow older. Sonia Vadlamani suggests some possible reasons why we can’t always make friends,
Master manipulators often use techniques which – over time – make it hard to spot when you are being used. If you believe you may be being manipulated by a friend, partner or family members, Dee
Sonia Vadlamani explains why friendships matter, how to sustain them, and gives nine simple ways for us to become better, more dependable friends.
Friendships are some of the most
From the confidant to the adventure seeker, here are the eight different types of friend you should have within your buddy group to enrich your life. Because as Dee Marques explains, sticking to one
Making connections with like-minded souls isn't easy, but it's not beyond your reach, whatever your age. From always saying 'yes' to volunteering, Dee Marques explores seven ways you can find your
Communication is essential when asking a partner to consider an open relationship says Dee Marques. Preparing for any discussions and clarifying why you want to change the relationship dynamic are
Does the freedom to disregard the conventional relationship norms and craft relationships on one’s own terms result in increased happiness? Sonia Vadlamani explains what relationship anarchy entails,