happiness.com is a new community, magazine and academy focusing on happiness and well-being. Join us as a beta tester and bag some free online courses at the same time. 


Here at happiness.com, we want to bring happiness into the world. For as simple as this vision seems, it’s also one of the most difficult tasks we've faced. Bringing more happiness to all; making people aware that as a global humanity we can learn, work and share better together. Will anyone believe in our mission?

We've been working hard behind the scenes to develop happiness.com. It's primarily made up of three key components – an online community/forum, a magazine packed with articles about happiness and well-being, and an academy, where you can take related online courses. As we approach launch, we're now looking for beta testers to join our happy team and come onboard.

happiness-beta-testers-together-groupDiscovering together: become a part of happiness.com 


What is beta testing?

Beta testing is the last stage of testing before a website launches. It's done to try and iron out any issues and bugs. Your role will be to surf the happiness.com site before launch, testing different functions, and reporting those that are not (or only partially) working. It's fun and not too time-consuming – in fact, you can do as little or as much as you want. On completion, you'll need to fill out a feedback form for us. 


The benefits of being a beta tester

Aside from getting an exclusive inside peek inside our great new website, all happiness.com beta testers will be able to take and test some of our well-being and self-growth courses in our online academy – completely for free. Many of these courses usually come with a price tag, so it's a good opportunity to help the happiness.com team but also benefit from learning some new skills yourself. Also, by becoming a beta tester, you'll be helping us to grow the roots of the community.


Sounds great! How do I sign up?

Thats easy! Just register below. By submitting your e-mail address, we'll choose some of you to assist us (your email will never be sold or passed on). Once our community is ready to be put through its paces, we'll let you know. We’re looking for those seeking happiness and well-being (and those blessed ones who can already call themselves happy!). We look forward to welcoming you to our new happiness community.

Become a betatester

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OK, but what is happiness.com exactly? 

Here's some more information about us to help you decide if you want to become a beta tester and join our community.

We know there's no need to spend money to be happy. It’s hard to believe, because we're told differently through advertising every day.

We'd like to invite you to take another path with us. Towards yourself, with yourself, but embedded in a supportive community. With happiness.com, we want to build a conscious community, where it’s possible to share experiences in a safe and secure environment. We want to enable each person to find happiness.


“Do you know the feeling, when you experience something really nice and just wish someone you love would be there to experience it, too? We all share the desire for others to be happy. We have a common passion to be happy. Happiness is best when it's shared with others.” Julius Dreyer, founder, happiness.com


happiness.com: vision and values

Each of us has something valuable to share. We want to increase the wisdom of our community, giving everyone the opportunity to shine. How can we achieve this goal? Among others and with these principles:


1. Purpose over person and profit

There are many examples of how well-intended movements get lost within even the most subtle of egos or the greed of money-driven stakeholders. happiness.com is neither about the money, nor the fame. We do it out of love and care for all beings and because we strive to make a positive impact. This may sound hard to believe in today's society: someone wants to bring happiness into the world, without making profit from it?

But that’s exactly it. And transparency is very important to us. Of course, we too must be profitable in order to be sustainable, innovative and competitive in the surrounding capitalist environment. But happiness.com is not about personal enrichment and profit. Our purpose will always come first before ego and profit.

Come together: community is one of happiness.com's 'roots'


2.We do not sell happiness

The latest car, a brand new jacket, the latest trendy backpack: we often (incorrectly) believe that we need specific products or services to be happier and more complete. This can also include offers for spiritual help and self-help.

At happiness.com we don’t want to suggest anything which won’t make people happier in the long term. One of our goals is therefore not to make you feel something you need to be complete. We will not sell you or promise unrealistic results, and we will always be transparent and honest in our intentions and motivations.


3. Rooted organically, growing mindfully

It's easy to be blinded by numbers and to believe that bigger is better. But we at happiness.com start small. On a large scale, it would neither be fun nor would it lead to the profound changes we intend.

Like an organism, we want to grow roots before we think of a large tree canopy. We want to grow organically and only spread out rooted. We will become bigger when we’re sure that we as a community can handle it without having to compromise on our intention.


4. Same same but different

We're all equally human and everyone is precious. No one is better or worse than the other. With that in mind, we will welcome everyone regardless of who they are or what they've done. happiness.com is not a place to judge, preach, convert or explain to others how to behave. We want to be open-minded, inclusive, and meet on an equal footing.    


The next Buddha is the Community

Thich Nhat Hanh famously said: “the next Buddha may take the form of a community, a community practicing understanding and loving kindness, a community practicing mindful living. And the practice can be carried out as a group, as a city, as a nation.”

Amen to that. We think this time has come! People go to retreats, festivals or to a monastery to reconnect with themselves. Well, we think it’s time for an online monastery, where we can learn, practice and share happiness whenever we want to, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


“For the benefit of all, may all beings be happy.” Julius Dreyer, founder, happiness.com


Our roots for a vital community:

With the goal of bringing happiness and well-being into the world, we will be working on various root strands at happiness.com. Some we can only show you when their time has come. Other offers can already give you an insight into our future community:


1. The happiness Magazine:

One of them is the happiness Magazine. Here you can already read a varied, interesting and scientifically-backed collection of articles. Read the happiness.com Magazine to learn about the latest findings of happiness research as well as articles on topics such as meditation, mental health, relationships, psychology and spirituality.


2. The happiness Academy:

We're currently working on the next component of the happiness community. The happiness Academy will be a place for teachers, coaches and mentors put together a comprehensive program of online courses around well-being and happiness.


3. The happiness Community:

All of this is embedded in a social network where people can network and share and grow transformative life-style experiences. We want to be a safe place for authentic expression. Our goal is to hit bottom-of-the-soul human happiness and not superficially-packed happiness! We'll begin by exploring the full range of what it means to be human and discovering it together. 




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