Many of us have been touched by suicide and the loss of a loved one, family member or friend. Ahead of World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10), Calvin Holbrook has put together these eight powerful suicide prevention quotes to offer hope to anyone in need.


It’s estimated that around 15 per cent of the adult population will experience depression at one point or another throughout life. And, accordingly to the World Health Organization, that means there are currently over 300 million people in the world currently living with depression. Whatever the cause, for some of these people, the emotional pain will become too much and they will consider suicide as an option of escape. In fact, around 800,000 people go through with suicide every year, and for each of those, there are around 25 times more suicide attempts.

There are many factors alongside and including depression and mental illness that influence a person’s decision to go through with suicide: chronic ill health, guilt, trauma, substance abuse or loss, for example. The tragic thing is that many of those who consider suicide don’t really want to die; they just don’t know how to deal with the pain they’re experiencing. 

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If you’ve ever been suicidal or know someone that has, you’ll know that without help, escaping that feeling of wanting to end it all is difficult. If you’re having difficulty opening up to others about your problems, sometimes searching for inspirational words online can offer some psychological comfort and help to get you through the day.

We've put together these suicide prevention quotes to give anyone who is considering ending their life a chance to stop, reflect and reevaluate their situation. Inspirational quotes can’t take the pain away, but they may allow someone the chance to shift their perspective just enough to give them a little bit of hope and get through another day. Please feel free to share these powerful messages of hope. 


Suicide prevention quotes: 8 powerful sayings 

1. “Soak up the views. Take in the bad weather and the good weather. You are not the storm.” Matt Haig

Author Matt Haig – who lives with depression and has written widely on it – cleverly compares the ever-changing weather to our mental health. Haig himself came close to suicide aged 24 while living in Ibiza, so this suicide prevention quote is particularly poignant. What Haig is saying is that although depression comes and goes, it is not who we are and should not define us. In his best-selling book, Reasons to Stay Alive, he writes: “Understand, for instance, that having a sad thought, even having a continual succession of sad thoughts, is not the same as being a sad person.” His inspirational quote suggests that we should be mindful of our depressive thoughts and recognize that they can – and will – pass. 



2. Suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better. – Unknown

Those who are deeply depressed and considering suicide usually have difficulty realizing that their life can get better. The aforementioned author Matt Haig is a great example: he was about to kill himself, but now has a successful career and a loving family. If you choose suicide, then you're eliminating future hope and the possibility of finding happiness and enjoyment. 



When the mind is so dark, it can be hard to see any possibility for future happiness, but it can – and often does – get better. Whether it’s through taking medication, counselling, exercise, eating well, getting into a routine, or setting goals, these steps will help you on your path. Know that it is possible to recover from feelings of depression, pain, and suicidal thoughts. 


3. “Never, never, never give up.” Winston Churchill

Some people with depression may have been fighting against the illness and/or suicidal tendencies for many months or years. Many of these people don’t actually want to stop living, but they cannot see a way through their despair. Indeed, the act of suicide is often associated with giving up on life.

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This quote from the British Prime Minister – known for his strong resilience – is a signal to keep fighting. If you have depression and/or suicidal thoughts, you may be in so much pain that you don’t know how you’re going to survive, but if you can just push through each day, it gives hope that things can get better in the future. One day a time, or even one hour at a time. By never giving up you’re quietly building an inner strength and resilience that will fortify you. 


4. “If you’re looking for a sign not to kill yourself, this is it.” – Unknown

If you’re thinking about suicide and looking for a sign to stay alive, consider this quote your sign. Whether you realize it or not, you have the opportunity to make a positive difference in this world. Somebody out there can benefit from your unique talents and gifts. Sometimes all you may need to keep going is a simple sign letting you know that someone cares and wants you to keep living. This quote is your sign. 



5. “The person who completes suicide, dies once. Those left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to relive those terrible moments and understand… why?” – Clark

Sometimes people who commit suicide are not fully aware – or are in such a dark place – that they don’t consider that taking their own life will create a huge amount of pain for their loved-ones left behind. Imagine how you would feel if a person you care deeply about took their own life. It's difficult to recover from the death of a loved one, but it’s usually harder if the individual committed suicide. The act of suicide leaves people behind with unanswered questions and feelings of confusion and shame, as well as the guilt around being able to prevent the suicide. 


This suicide prevention quote is realistic because although a suicide may end an individual’s internal pain, the friends and family who loved the person will continue to suffer as a result of their loss. In fact, on average, every suicide leaves an estimated six or more "suicide survivors" — those who've lost someone they care about deeply and are left to struggle with their grief. Furthermore, people who've recently lost someone through suicide are themselves at an increased risk of thinking about, planning, or attempting suicide, further exacerbating the ripple effect of pain and suffering. 


6. “If you want to show me that you really love me, don’t say that you would die for me, instead stay alive for me.” – Unknown

This suicide prevention quote shows deep sentiment from a friend, family member or a partner in a close relationship. People who are feeling suicidal can often feel like they are a burden to their loved ones, which is not the case. This quote serves as a personal reminder from your loved ones that they would much prefer you to stay in their lives than to leave. If you really want to sacrifice your life, do it by living and contributing to make someone’s else’s life better – rather than eliminating your existence.


“Inspirational quotes around suicide prevention can’t take the pain away, but they may allow you to shift your perspective just enough to give yourself a little bit of hope and to get through another day.”


7. “Place your hand over your heart, can you feel it? That is called purpose. You’re alive for a reason so don’t ever give up.” – Unknown

Sometimes suicidal people want to die simply because they believe they have no reason to continue living. It may sound simple, but the fact that you’re alive and your heart is still beating and pumping blood around your body can be reason enough to keep living. Many depressed people are struggling because they're unhappy with their life and work and cannot find a specific life purpose.

But, in reality, you don’t need a purpose or reason for being alive. However, if you are alive, you still have the opportunity to do whatever you want in life. Although you may not have awakened to a specific life mission yet, while your heart is still beating you have time to explore what your life purpose could be and find happiness. 


8. “When you feel like giving up, just remember the reason why you held on for so long.” – Unknown

This is a powerful suicide prevention quote that challenges a person considering ending their life to stop and reconsider the reasons why they’ve continued to stay strong and fight up until now. Most people have powerful reasons – such as their children, family and loved ones – for fighting through their pain and anguish. This quote helps you to think about the parts of your life that hold significant meaning for you and that force you to push through the day and keep going – even when you don’t feel like it.



So, whether you want to keep fighting to provide for your family, to be there for your partner or to find your purpose in the the world and make a difference, chances are you do have a reason to keep living. •

Main image: shutterstock/Jannarong


If you're in a dark place and considering suicide, please reach out to someone you know or through one of these global helplines. You can also discuss suicide, depression, anxiety and other challenges over in our forum on suicidal thoughts. | The fine art of being: learn, practise, share

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Written by Calvin Holbrook

calvin.holbrook.jpegCalvin edits the happiness magazine, makes gay artwork and loves swimming, yoga, dancing to house/techno, and all things vintage! Find out more.



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On 7.11.2020 at 14:34, Guest Worthless said:

Aber ich habe keine Familie oder Freunde. Also... ich kann jederzeit aufgeben.

hallo,     möchte vorsichtig lieb anfragen, wie es dir HEUTE geht? bin für mich alleine u weis manches mal nicht, wie ich u warum ich leben soll.würdest du mit mir in kontakt kommen wollen? meine nr. +4915786184101

würde mich über ein lebenszeich von dir sehr freuen.

herzlichst ele

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Tbh when you read all these ‘ feel good ‘ suggestions it makes you feel worse . They are just words  they mean nothing and belong in a stupid self help book . Stop patronising people 

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Wow.  These were SUPER unhelpful and harmful to those fighting suicide.

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The quotes seem annoying their mostly a . "Sorry your life sucks ,but stay alive for me cuz I would hate it if you died" type of crap which annoys me to no end...basically all the quotes sound self centered and selfish like why should I stay alive for you...are you living my life..are you struggling the struggle I am struggling with. Why should I stay alive in a shitty world where humans are so stupid that we still struggle to live and breath and enjoy life while being slaves to the government. Working a 40 plus hour job to have no life? Like what is their to live for? Have kids like they want and settle down? fuck that. I want to see the world. I am just sick of struggling and now a job that used to take care of us now we all have to have 3 jobs just to try to survive while everything else gets more expensive. Being forced to be slaves to the government while they sit on their asses and collect taxes from us out the ass. Life insurance, car insurance, we pay for water, ac, heat, food, clothing, we pay for health for surgeries, to see, to hear etc. 

And if we become homeless everywhere runs the homeless out...most homeless shelters force you to have a job now. Or your waiting hours in the heat and or snow to even bother getting a room. If you become part of a homeless community and make a tent city etc then the city comes by and bulldozes it down. 

Sorry but I never wanted to be born into a world where I have to basically fight like some wild feral animal to get by. We have all this technology and knowledge to self substain ourselves as human beings ,but yet we are owned by the government and then they put you in a hospital etc if you want to die or kill yourself and all the " don't killl yourself" quotes are basically self centered. Or your made out to be a coward if you end your stop us from dieing when you control everything else we do? 

Not to mention oh yeah we have to pay to fucking die to cuz funeral bullshit. 

Oh and don't get me started on transportation for work because your lucky if you can find a 2k car that can last for a whole year while they keep making new cars that cost like 60k? Like fuck off! 


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This article helped me think about a lot of things going on around and it helped my understanding a lot so, Thanks!

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These quotes made me more pressured to live which makes me wanna die more💀.

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Thanks for finally talking about >8 powerful suicide prevention quotes |

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Half of these quotes make me want to kill myself even more. Hearing that i should be thinking about how my life ending will make those living feel is just a such punch to the gut. So is asking someone to live because of you so your needs can be met, so you don't have to deal with repercussions. Forcing someone to think about why they held on for so long when the fact that this thing they are holding onto may have been a big cause of why they are here.

Im not even going to bother with the "don't give up" and "this is sign" nonsense. 

Don't write about something you seemingly know nothing about without doing proper research especially when it's literally a matter of life and death.

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I always contemplate it. But I don’t think I could ever go through with it because of my son. I have a great family that loves me but I’m depressed and struggling with every day things. I don’t want to go to work everyday I don’t want to pay bills. I’m tired of college. I hate responsibility I just want to do whatever I want whenever I want and live comfortably. 

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I m new here plz help

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i have to respectfully disagree w/ the comment that starts "suicide is a failure". to even consider suicide, much less complete one, means that person has - thru whatever path - entered such a dark dark place, despair surrounding them, that they see no other choice. it seems like the only thing that will stop the pain & allow them oblivion. and they need the pain to go. please don't use the label "failure". peace

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everyone is worth every penny! even you, don't give up!

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Hey how you doing guys iam new here

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Suicide is a failure,the person who dies is the one who give up to the temporary problems and then facing those tell the day of judgement everyday

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On 4/15/2021 at 11:30 AM, Guest Johny K said:

I saw someone type "there is someone out there who wants to be you"



Oh yeah, they want to be poor, dumb, stupid, suffering with asthma, anxiety, fear of animals including literally every phylum, suffering from short term memory loss, do they want to be unsympathetic and emotionless, introvert, do they want to spend more than 7 years of their life with no friends, do they want to be someone who is unable to think critically and analyse shit.



Didn't think so. 

Yes, they want to be you to feel your pain and save you...

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“The person who completes suicide, dies once. Those left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to relive those terrible moments and understand… why?” – Clark

If those who were left behind ever cared & asked if everything is okay, they would not be "the ones left behind". There is a time you don't have any hope left. If the ones who have troubled & scarred you for life are reliving those terrible moments in agony then why not? I am sorry if I have ruined your mood but this is all that i can think right now.

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We just had a "situation" in our friend circle and I found this article, which I think has some good suicide prevention quotes that might help me in another discussion which I hope will never happen again.
Glad to have found this article

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I saw someone type "there is someone out there who wants to be you"



Oh yeah, they want to be poor, dumb, stupid, suffering with asthma, anxiety, fear of animals including literally every phylum, suffering from short term memory loss, do they want to be unsympathetic and emotionless, introvert, do they want to spend more than 7 years of their life with no friends, do they want to be someone who is unable to think critically and analyse shit.



Didn't think so. 

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These are terrible quotes, I mean the one that baffled me the most was the 2nd one, suicide doesn't eliminate the possibility of life getting better but rather worse. Now listen, don't commit suicide but think about it, a person in trauma chose death because it eliminates the possibility of life getting any worse. There is a 100% chance life will not be worse cause you won't be livin it no more, while living gives you a slight possibility that it may get better. Now as a person who doesn't believe in luck I certainly don't believe that 10% is a good probability.

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If you woke up this morning, God is not done with you so keep fighting.

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My bf almost khs because he lost both of his sisters and he was so broken and he would get mad at me bc I wouldn’t leave him alone and let him do it but I talked and let him just cry and things and he felt better but the sad thing is he lives 41 hours away so all I could do is just call him and it took me 3 hours to calm him down but I did and I’m so proud of myself that I helped him

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My youngest son took his own life 23/9/2020 I am so heart broken and lost, as a woman who deals with thoughts of Suicide I found these quotes to be refreshing, HOPE and inspirational, I am Australian and in our country we have a number of Organisations people can reach out to, which are now assisting me, I have learnt through my son's suicide that the a big problem is the Stigma around the idea of Men reaching out for help and support is a sign of weakness which saddens me as I know it takes strength to ask for help or to open up about depression and the thoughts of Suicide, this is what we need to change, it's OK Not to be OK, Plus your not alone, we need to rewire people's thinking to know it's seriously OK to reach out for help, I do + I drive people crazy but I'm still here. Why do we not see these quotes all over the place? Doctors office, posted on buses trains on adds on TV? We need to change before this epidemic of Suicide will.

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Thaank u very much, this evening was one of my biggest downs.

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Thank you so much this is great and helpful? now am feeling better

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Thank you

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I often wondered if there were suicide awareness or suicide prevention hotlines in every country in the world and how often they are used. I was happy to see the link to global helplines in the article. I hope someone out there read one of these suicide prevention quotes and chose life. It's not always easy to read the queues though. Someone you love and are extremely close to might be reaching out, but you don't realise it before it's too late. Or they hide it until the very end. What kind of support is available to the people left behind? The whole thing is rather traumatising.

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My dear friend of or 40 years committed suicide two days ago. She is my age we have grown children and she is blessed with 5 grandchildren. Her estranged husband died 2 years ago.   Complete devastation is left. 

if you are thinking of doing this please please please don’t. Your family and friends are left lost and like smashed china in tiny little pieces. ?????

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Thank you SO much for posting these suicide prevention quotes. Been feeling down for weeks because of the pandemic and losing work. Really started spiralling and going to a dark place. ? Feel almost ashamed to feel like this as im normally so bright and cheery. But reading through these has helped change my perspective and think more positively. THANK YOU.

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Guys your amazing, I just want to say that you have a purpose. I took me to long to realize that and now i'm here. You are never along bc GOD is with you every step of the way. Even if your path is broken GOD will light the way. Just trust in him with all your heart. He died for you to be free from pain, He didnt die for you to take your life in vein. So remember be strong and don't let life tear you down. Love you guys stay strong!!

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Definitely a difficult but important topic. I read that suicide figures has gone up a lot since lockdown in the U.S., and probably in other places around the world too. If a suicide prevention quote can help even one person, I think that's great. And if it can just help raise awareness and make the topic less taboo, then I'd say share as many suicide prevention quotes as you can. 

Sending so much love to everyone out there, and please remember to reach out and take care of each other ? 

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Does anyone have any tips for trying to be happy because I've been suicidal and im only 12. My family seems to not pay attention to me, i lose friends quickly and the only person who knows about me being suicidal is my friend because my parents couldnt understand.

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Such a tough topic. And so hard to address. And so easy to say that some suicide prevention quotes won't do the trick. Yet, a quote might be one thing to say when you don't know what to say. It might be the first impulse to reach out to touch a topic which can kill if it's not addressed.

In my experience, a deadly accomplice is silence. The felt taboo around some topics like shame, anxiety, sadness and also suicidal thinking. To work through something means to accept it first not to push it away and pretend it's not there. Much love to everyone!

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But i don't have a family, or friends. So... i can give up any time.

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if you give up now you can't help those who want to give up later.

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1.  Those you love the most are those who hurt you the worst when there gone - Jesse McCarty


2.  When someone you love goes away there’s no point in chasing after you have to let them come back to you - Jesse McCarty 


3.  When you love someone enough and they break your heart you will love them the same with all the pieces - Jesse McCarty 


4.  You don’t know how much you love someone until there gone - Jesse McCarty


5.  A guinness is just someone who new something other people didn’t - Jesse McCarty 


6.  Those who listen hear, those who look see, but those who feel learn the most  - Jesse McCarty


7.  The one person you love the most is the one that makes the biggest hole when there gone - Jesse McCarty

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Live your life and don't think that no one cares about you cause I know that there is someone out there wanting to be you.......

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The best thing you can do for son is praying to God.  I had many struggles , fears, anxiety, depression. They all disappeared after few months of praying. I don't know why God didn't take them straight away , but I suffered many, long years. But every day I saw the difference. But I remember when I was about 20 years old I had  pain in my stomach ,it lasted about 1 year. The doctors didn't helped me , and that time I didn't believe in God ,  I didn't know what to do , I was fed up , exhausted, I started cry out ; God if you exist help me, after few days he took my pain away . I couldn't believe . I will  be praying  for your son. 

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My son is real depressed since him and his girlfriend split up. He young 23 but he is saying some things that really worry me. What can I do to help him

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I do see you" I do know who you are" I spot you out of a crowd every day" I'm the person walking by that gave you that longer glance, we both seen the same thing when our eyes met" more hurt, Paine, loneliness, emptiness, unloved, misunderstood, confusion, unwanted, rejected, lost, cold, dark, one of a kind, just don't belong anywhere" the battle is long, the fight is exaustin, all the tools for daily help weaved learned becomes to heavy to swing, our nightmares all around us have overwhelmed us, now the worst comes, the sun goes down, the darkness settles in, with no more strength, no more fight, I collapse alone, when I awake come morning I do know how I won yet another battle, I don't want to hurt my kid's leaving them to wonder why I left them"" thinking I didn't love them enough"" and when I think no one's around and I'm all alone, I'm always wrong""" through, and at the end of every battle, when I'm exhausted and can't fight anymore, my nightmares and enemy's have overwhelmed me, Jesus was right by my side fighting all them battles with me* I didn't see him because I wasn't looking, at night when I think I pass out from exaustin is when he knows I've been fighting the wrong battle to long.  : Today I seen people I love :

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well i have a answer to all the quotes. 

1) what if we only have bad weather?

2) i doubt it gets better. 

3) what if we already have?

4) what if we arent looking for one.

5) what if we didnt have one in the first place?

6) i really love all my friends. but everyone always say it and end up walking away.

7) yea, my purpose is to burden people. i should stop.

? what if they reason is ending. what if that reason sounded childish and cliche to everyone so they dont believe me?

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you didn't come this far

to only get this far

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My most important take away here:  "The tragic thing is that many of those who consider suicide don’t really want to die; they just don’t know how to deal with the pain they’re experiencing."

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