As one of the most important figures in the fields of mindfulness, meditation and Zen Buddhism, Thích Nhất Hạnh continues to have a major influence
Can 12 ideas be described as constituting pillars of well-being? Ed Gould examines the ideas of leading psychologist Rick Hanson that can help you
What is the difference between joy and happiness? Sonia Vadlamani explores the meaning of each emotion and shares tips for cultivating joy and
Yes, happiness is a choice and not a result of achievements or materialism. From choosing gratitude to quality friendships, maintain a happy vibe
With record rates of depression, we need to ask: 'what is the key to happiness?'. From lifelong learning to community, Sonia Vadlamani explores how
Repetitive self-critical talk is torturous and wreaks havoc on your mental health. From quieting your inner critic to redefining failure and
Buddhism is a global religion practised by millions across the world, but where exactly did it begin; where is the hearth of buddhism? Ann
As hate speech and intolerance becomes increasingly common – both online and in the 'real' world – having the moral courage to confront it is more
We all understand the classic adage 'when life gives you lemons, make lemonade,' but have you heard of the newly-coined expression 'lemonading'?
The benefits of Vedic meditation are many: improved sleep, clearer thought, and lowered stress. Meditation teacher Ann Vrlak explains how to practise
Ever think 'why do I get overwhelmed so easily'? Learn how to stop feeling swamped with these 8 strategies from Dee Marques, from practising
Do the Sunday Scaries provoke that 'I don't want to go to work' dread in you? If so, cultivating these six traits from Dee Marques can help you
The modern media are reporting more feel good news stories than ever. But is reading positive news scientifically proven to lift your spirits? Read
If you're having communication issues with your partner, it might just be that you're not speaking the same 'love language'. Arlo Laibowitz explains
Are you considering volunteering? It's an important way to help individuals and communities in need. And, as Calvin Holbrook writes, the benefits of
Many of us have been touched by suicide and the loss of a loved one, family member or friend. Ahead of World Suicide Prevention Day (September 10),