icon-wio Nisala created an event
  • 4 days ago
  • Online event 12 April 2025, 01:00
Online Meditation Sessions with Acharin (Webinars)
(Free introductory session)
Deeply Relax by Nada (sound-based guided meditations)
Do you know that sessions of guided meditation by Acharin can get you in touch with a deep state of awareness? And that experiencing this simple yet profound state can deeply relax you, and bestow many benefits such as letting go of negative states such as sadness, fear, anger, etc.,cutting down inner chatter, and setting you on the path of awakening...?
icon-wio Nisala's event is happening soon
Online Meditation Sessions with Acharin (Webinars)
(Free introductory session)
Deeply Relax by Nada (sound-based guided meditations)
Do you know that sessions of guided meditation by Acharin can get you in touch with a deep state of awareness? And that experiencing this simple yet profound state can deeply relax you, and bestow many benefits such as letting go of negative states such as sadness, fear, anger, etc.,cutting down inner chatter, and setting you on the path of awakening...?
icon-wio Nisala created an event
Online Meditation Sessions with Acharin (Webinars)
(Free introductory session)
Deeply Relax by Nada (sound-based guided meditations)
Do you know that sessions of guided meditation by Acharin can get you in touch with a deep state of awareness? And that experiencing this simple yet profound state can deeply relax you, and bestow many benefits such as letting go of negative states such as sadness, fear, anger, etc.,cutting down inner chatter, and setting you on the path of awakening...?
icon-wio Calvin77 has uploaded new photos
  • Calvin77
  • Calvin77
Write something… remember, insults and contact information don’t belong here.
Calvin77Hello 2025! A happy and healthy year to all :)
+0 reply
icon-wio joanna uploaded a new photo
  • joanna
Write something… remember, insults and contact information don’t belong here.
EarthyKim likes Realm of Healing
Tig4-0I'd love to know how this is done, it seems since lockdown we've lost all the old ways of meeting potential partners. Need to bring back the old ways for sure
+0 reply
icon-wio juliusxyg uploaded a new photo
  • one year ago
  • male (31)
  • Berlin
  • juliusxyg
Write something… remember, insults and contact information don’t belong here.
Freeway23 likes Realm of Healing
Seelencoaching - Gabriele Nowotzki uploaded a new image
  • Seelencoaching - Gabriele Nowotzki
This new place was added by Seelencoaching icon-wio
Angst und druckfrei leben in bewegten Zeiten.
Mit dem Weg zur inneren Mitte Orientierung, Kraft, Ruhe, Vertrauen, Leichtigkeit & Halt finden.
Er verbindet mich wieder bewusst mit meiner Seele, mit mir selbst.
Das Gehen auf diesem Pfad erschafft Gleichgewicht & Harmonie.
Dieser Weg initiiert einen Annahme-, Aufwach-, Befreiungs- & Wandlungsprozess.
Die Einführung und Begleitung auf dem Weg zur inneren Mitte erfolgt durch Präsenz - Coaching.
Die Nowotzki Methode® ist ei...
This new place was added by Executive_Coach icon-wio
An executive coach and a global leader with over 25 years of business experience. I help my clients to start living in the way they want to live. I coach executives and leaders as a person who understands them. I have built a successful career in banking, going all the way from an economist to the CEO of the bank within a global banking group, leading over 10,000 employees. I have experienced growth as a leader and thus I so deeply understand the experiences of my coaching clients.
Natalia Zubrytska uploaded a new image
  • Natalia Zubrytska