The term lightworker is increasingly used, but what exactly is a lightworker and what is their role in society? Sonia Vadlamani looks at some of their common personality traits and shows you how to identify if you could be a lightworker, too. 


If you regularly read online magazines centered on well-being, spirituality or expanding your consciousness, you’ve probably come across the term ‘lightworker’. And, no matter how many references are made to it, you still may not be entirely sure what a lightworker actually is and how to identify one. 

And while there’s no science-backed evidence or research studies that can say what a lightworker is, more and more people from our community seek to know more about these driven souls. 


So, what is a lightworker?

Technically, the term lightworker was first coined by author and teacher Michael Mirdad relatively recently, in the early 80s. Later, in 1997, Doreen Virtue released the book The Lightworkers Way.

The simplest way to describe lightworkers would be as beings who feel an enormous pull towards helping others. Also referred to as crystal babies, indigos, Earth angels and star seeds, these spiritual beings volunteer to act as a beacon for the Earth, and commit to serving humanity. 

Lightworkers feel the urge to help humanity

They often feel greater kindness and compassion towards others right from their childhood – chances are that they’ve rescued several animals and other living beings in distress from a young age. 

Lightworkers tend to be sensitive, and hence they feel sadness and anguish for the misery that dwells in the world around them. This is why they tend to choose professions wherein their empathetic nature can be used to assist those in need, like nursing, therapy, rehabilitation, healing, care-giving, veterinary services, research and teaching etc. 

RELATED: 5 Ways to Develop Your Moral Courage


Lightworkers are intuitive and driven by their internal guidance. They can often ably perceive the emotions and needs of other living beings, which enables them to harness and direct their healing powers towards those who need help. They also believe in carrying out coordinated efforts to dispel or chase away negative consciousness using their positive energies and healing powers.

Not all lightworkers realize the nature of their spiritual calling right away. While some star seeds may realize that their purpose on Earth is to elevate mankind’s collective consciousness, several lightworkers can only sense a drive to serve and compassion in their own hearts, and that they feel good when supporting others through difficult times.

“What is a lightworker? They feel an enormous pull towards helping others. These spiritual beings volunteer to act as a beacon for the Earth, and commit to serving humanity.”

It often takes some intuitive guidance – as well as going through the process of self-realization and discovery – to realize that their mission on Earth is to make a positive impact in whichever way they can. Given that they're faced with the same limitations and obstacles as other mortal beings, this manner of spiritual awakening and tuning into their inner light can sometimes take years for a lightworker.


How do I know I’m a lightworker?

If you’ve read about lightworkers and wondered if you could be one, you can only find the answer through introspection. Lightworkers are driven by a deep-felt desire to serve those in need, and are blessed with intuitive powers and inner guidance that enables them to sense energy shifts and emotions like pain and sorrow in others around them. 

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They also feel connected with all living beings and Earth, and at the same time feel isolated and distant from others as they tend to look into the world from outside. If you identify with these core traits, and the desire to serve mankind and the world resonates deep within your heart, then perhaps you were intended to be a lightworker.


The different types of lightworkers

Lightworkers can possess strengths and core abilities in one or more areas of service. Tuning into your could help you understand what your unique gifts are, and which kind of lightworker you might be. The following types can help one identify where their inner calling lies: 


1. Spiritual guides and healers

Lightworkers who are driven towards serving living beings and the Earth through healing using mental, physical, emotional or spiritual approaches fall under this category. They are often highly perceptive of feelings and emotions in others, and characteristically can alleviate pain and hurt within a few minutes of time spent with people or animals. 

Their sensitivity towards pain could often render them fatigued or overwhelmed, and it takes some conscious moderation to keep this tendency in check. Nurses, caregivers, psychologists, doctors, etc, fall under this category. 


2. Psychics and seers

Using their elevated awareness and intuitive powers, lightworkers can develop psychic sights to be able to see beyond the material form and illusion. They can accordingly predict future events and concentrate their efforts to stimulate positive outcomes, with the end goal to promote world peace and harmony. 

Could you be a lightworker? shutterstock/sun ok 


3. Gridworking and gatekeeping

A grid here refers to a unit that connects all awakened hearts and sacred sites on Earth using lay lines. Gridworkers and gatekeepers are advanced lightworkers who specialize in clearing work, their main role being opening of inter-dimensional grid lines to let light and love flow through. 

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Gatekeepers are often government employees, diplomats or even mediators and yoga instructors etc, wherein they encourage peace, kindness, positive energy and fairness to all living beings.


4. Manifestors

Also known as divine blueprint creators, manifestors are a type of lightworker that are expert at channeling their intrinsic energy to attract what they want. Their mission to make the world a better and peaceful place enables them to manifest awakened collective consciousness for humanity.


5. Guides and messengers

Some lightworkers possess a unique flair for spreading important messages to the world. They concentrate their efforts in areas where their inner light and magnetic presence can make greatest impact on others by communicating messages of love, peace, spiritual awakening and enlightenment. 

Motivational speakers, bloggers, artists, teachers, writers, life-coaches, etc, who strive to serve humanity through their words, actions or work can be categorized as messengers.


“Lightworkers are intuitive and driven by their internal guidance. They can often ably perceive the emotions and needs of other living beings.”


6. Transmuters

Also known as neutralizers, these lightworkers specialize in dispelling negativity, thus restoring neutrality and balance back into the world. Neutralizers may work in favor of the entire collective consciousness, or even help people release or heal negative karma from their ancestral lines.

7. Dreamers and travelers

These lightworkers can never accept the status-quo, and always strive for new solutions and adventure. They learn to push limitations and manifest light during dreamwork, creating boundless capacity for change along multiple dimensions of the Earth. Explorers, inventors, pioneers can be classified as dreamers and travelers.


8. Adventurers and ascension guides

Adventurers are always on the lookout for newer possibilities, driven by belief that better things await if one just looks beyond the obvious. Along with ascension guides, they work towards creating higher inter-dimensional possibilities and broadening mankind’s vision for future.


Lightworkers: the takeaway

In summary, lightworkers are awakened beings who bear the highest interests of all living beings and Earth in their minds. They hold a distinctive core of kindness within themselves and vibrate at a higher energy level that enables them to be positive and support others through their struggles.

Not all lightworkers realize their purpose on Earth from the beginning. However, when they do so upon self-actualization, they need not dramatically transform their life. In fact, it’s possible for them to lead a regular life and career, while simultaneously shining their light, helping and supporting others and creating positive experiences for those around. 

To know if you were destined to be a lightworker, you could begin by tuning in to the self – search within your heart and determine whether channeling your light out in the world is one of your life missions. •

Main image: shutterstock/StunningArt


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Written by Sonia Vadlamani

bert.jpgFitness and healthy food blogger, food photographer and stylist, travel-addict. Sonia loves to write and has resolved to dedicate her life to revealing how easy and important it is to be happier, stronger and fitter each day. Follow her pursuits at FitFoodieDiary or on Instagram.




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On 12/6/2021 at 7:22 PM, KungLao said:


Ok. How do you find this innate power?


On 10/8/2021 at 3:19 AM, Nika said:

I think that any devotion to living beings is wonderful.
You are not a misanthrope just because you feel a more intimate relationship or need to help animals.
Animals are worth protecting and if you have a particularly intense, perhaps even spiritual connection to them - go for it! ❤️

I, too, am deeply, deeply drawn toward helping & loVing animals! I loVe people too (some of them anyway, lol), but I like LOVE LOVE ANIMALS with an intensity I do not quite understand myself & I empathize with them (their pain really seems to resonate deeply within me, even animals I only see online or read about even!)! I literally cry myself to sleep many nights thinking of hurt, abandoned, neglected or abused animals. This is Espe true in the cold winter months! I am intolerant to the cold & it literally pains me to think of all the animals sleeping out in the cold! I want to bring them all inside, wrap them in warm (electric, heated) blankets & hold them close to keep them nice & warm! I have to distract myself oftentimes to force myself to stop thinking about it so I can attempt to rest/sleep because it will keep me up worrying about things I know I cannot necessarily do anything much about & I obsess over it to some degree? I saw a post around an hour ago (4a.m.) of a hurt, neglected pup that just was rescued by a shelter after being terribly I hired by bigger dog(s) & read about how so many saw this poor pitiful puppy & continued to pass him by & turn a blind eye (& he was VISIBLY INJURED quite badly at that!) & I cannot understand HOW someone possesses the ABILITY (if you would call it that?) to walk by & see such a thing & NOT be completely & utterly COMPELLED to STOP & HELP?!?! It’s not something my brain can grasp the concept of….such ppl who do this & with such ease & think nothing more of it?! I literally sat on my bed & UGLY CRIED for a good half hour over this & my heart was just wrenched with pain & despair & sadness for this little creature & what it’s been thru! It was kind of hard to bare….the pain in my heart/chest. But I did not know what to do with all those intense feelings or how or even if that’s something within my control? Somehow I doubt it. If I possessed the actual ABILITY, I know it may not sound too great of me but I honestly believe if possible, I would attempt every way possible to dial down the INTENSITY with which I FEEL such things! My Lord it hurts too much sometimes! And I can never just NOT feel anything if I even see a sad puppy face on a brisk walk through town! I wonder, “Does he have a home? A family? Someone to loVe him? Is he hungry or thirsty or sad or lonely?….What if he had no one & I didn’t stop & pick him up & become his new Mom?! How awful! The poor baby! Oh I must be just awful!” ….Yep, I know, right?! THOSE are ACTUAL THOUGHTS that go thru my mind sometimes! Knowing that most of the time I may not have the ability or tools or resources to do anything anyway! The compelling NEED or WANT to save everybody/everything is just ALWAYS there! Like, why me, right?!? It’s….it’s a lot sometimes. And I just don’t know what to do with it. Sorry for all my crazy if y’all read to the end (or even halfway really)! LoL! I guess I saw this other person so deeply drawn to animals & I got a bit overexcited! And I would loVe answers, helpful tools, insights on this? Any others like us? I’ve even tried to Google the term one would use to refer to a person who is drawn to animals more so than to people….a few times, actually. Nothing. 🤷🏻‍♀️❤️🐾🙏

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It took me years to finally realize im a light worker/healer. 

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This article is what made me join this site.  Well done.

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I never really got what is a Lightworker or what are soulworker classes. I got enlightened by this article ;) Thanks for this great post on that topic

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On 10/8/2021 at 4:19 AM, Nika said:

I think that any devotion to living beings is wonderful.
You are not a misanthrope just because you feel a more intimate relationship or need to help animals.
Animals are worth protecting and if you have a particularly intense, perhaps even spiritual connection to them - go for it! ❤️


On 9/10/2021 at 9:27 PM, Guest Lau said:

Guys…the world as we know it is not what we think it is.
A long time ago, dark forces took control of our world and designed many, many traps in order to enslave and harm us.
This is why there is so much darkness, suffering, and lack on this planet.
These traps are more complicated than we realize…

Besides the economic slave system and the religious nonsense they have poured down our throats since we were born (reason for that being that they are able to suck our energy whenever we pray to some “God”), they have built for us an astral playground and have given us psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, ability to astral project, telekinesis, ability to explore other dimensions, realms and planets, ability to communicate with higher beings, ability to see the future, etc. so we would stay in our fantasy world and never find out all the horrible, torturous things they did to us. None of these abilities are real!


When we have these “special skills” we falsely believe we are “awake,” “enlightened,” and “fully aware of the truth”, and basically willingly walk right into the trap.
The real truth is that we have bigger and better abilities than the fake ones the darks have given us.
They just have blocked us from accessing them.
They gave us fake abilities so that we would never wake up to our own innate power.


Many things in the common spiritual world are controlled by darks. For instance, synchronicity is just darks manipulating our environment to lead us astray.
Chakras are dark implants.
Channelings are not trustworthy as the information received comes straight from the darks.
Karma is a dark tool meant to enslave us.
Spiritual awakening symptoms are most likely just the effects of darks attacking us and taking advantage of us while we cling on to the belief that we are spiritually evolving.
If we’re waiting to spiritually ascend, we’ll be waiting forever.


No one single event is going to liberate this planet; we have to do all the work ourselves.
Love is the best thing ever, but it is not always the answer. Believing in this will only give the darks permission to harm us as we send more love and forgiveness to them.
Our loving energy can’t heal them, unfortunately.
Remember—they created this beautiful, enchanting world and these beliefs in order to keep you away from yourselves!
Please realize the amazing power you have within you and declare your sovereignty!


Archangels, spirit guides, ascended masters and "benevolent ETs" are only dark beings pretending to be of the light.
Please don’t work with them!
They will only suck your power.
There are higher beings out there that are positive, but they are not allowed to intervene.
Any being that is down here “helping” is not light.
All you need is yourself and no one else.
We are also not all “one.”
We are not part of some higher God or Source.
Although the idea may sound enticing, there is no conscious, all-loving, omniscient creator.
That is only a dark lie with the intention of diminishing your power by telling you that you belong to something larger and to force you backwards in evolution.


We are here as unique beings.
This is what we’ve evolved into.
“Merging with the whole” would mean that you lose all the evolutionary progress you made.
You have all the power you need inside yourself.
Spiritual beliefs were created by darks in order to keep us asleep while we joyously believe we are awake.
This makes it easier for them to further their dark ways.
I know this is very hard to hear, but the truth can sometimes be harsh.
Please stop letting the darks exploit, misuse, and mislead you.
The idea of “love and light” was spread just to make you docile, submissive, and accepting of any harmful things that are done to you.


Knowledge is power, and we have to spread the knowledge and get out of the trap together!
There is a bright future ahead of us if we are willing to put in the effort to make it so!
I deeply apologize if this sounds so jarring to the mind, but please, consider what I’ve said.
You don’t have to believe what I’m saying, but at least consider it. It’s certainly easier to stay asleep in a fantasy world, but is that what you truly want?
The truth might hurt at first, but it gets sweeter once you realize how liberating it really is.
If you’ve read this far, I commend you.
It’s not an easy read, but there is an information war going on, and this stuff needs to get out there in the most direct way possible. Thank you for taking the time.


Ok. How do you find this innate power?

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Ok it is your Holy Spirit inside of you that illuminates the TRUTH. There is a God and and we ask have spiritual gifts. Some have prophecy, here is a list of a few, discernment of spirits, evangelist, speaking in tongues and understanding of tongue, teachers, healing, etcetera. My top three strongest are Discernment, evangelist, and prophecy. We are all servants and parts of the Church. All of our gifts are needed to answer our call. There's three calling we have. #1 the call to be a Christian. #2 the call of vocation #3 immediate call. All working together to live up to our fullest potential. Where our greatest actions that bring us joy meet with the world's greatest needs. Love thy neighbor, treat  other as you want to be treated, give what has been given to you. You cannot get to the Father without first going to the Son. God gave us Jesus his son to come to earth to take death away from Lucifer. Sin create death. When Lucifer beguiled (meaning talked her into, which makes it sin with her free will) eve, he brought death to the humans. Jesus came to save us and God showed us how much he loves us by Jesus ultimate willing sacrifice on that cross. Then showing us what happens after our bodies die that is not all we are our where our spirits end. He rose again after three days. As will we. To live forever in the new unblemished earth with people like us not people of evil that have chosen to follow the fallen angels. There are no aliens, they are demons  without bodies they shape shift  that's why they call the devil that old dragon  or lizard like how they explain"aliens" Lucifer is kicked out of heaven and he chose to make the Earth his domain because God told him that he was too serve God and Adam was above Lucifer  well he thought he was made first and so much mightier as being in God's presence that he was equal to God and definitely not meant to serve God as he was actually created for. So God did what the angel could not. Be born again. Jesus says when I leave I will send a helper The Holy Spirit  He who is in me, (Jesus spirit) is greater than he (Lucifer) who is in the world  He paid our price  we belong to him  He is the King of the Earth as well as King of Heaven. Read Corinthians. Put on your Armor of God " Our battle is not with flesh and blood but with the powers and principalities and the evil forces in this world in government and rulers of the air (internet, 5G, EMF, media, cell phones, climate change, satellite,) and there are wars in the High places or Heavenly places. Angels were made to serve God. We were made in The Likeness Of God. As his family. We are royalty. Pray and give thanks to God. If you confess with your mouth and beleive in your hearts those Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins and rose again from the grave 3 days later and accept him as your Lord and Savior then you will receive the Holy Spirit. I am a gatekeeper welcome home

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I have been and do creepy stuff that made my girl and I think I was mentally ill.

I've been running around like a mad man for the last few years saying that I'm experiencing something I can't explain because it sounds crazy.

I can pray and make things happen. I recently started to not like any chaos or negativity. I have started using new words and phrases that were not learned or taught to me.

We are literally taking an inventory of all my what I call GOD LIKE moments in my past since birth.

Always in both the right and wrong place . 

I can heal with some kind words or put you to tears with a story of my own life experiences.

Animals ,kids ,babies all seem to attract to me and always have.

I've had a weird life ...the signs were there my whole life. I have been relaying all these thoughts emotions and actions to my wife for months and I finally had a voice MY OWN ME TELL ME TO LOOK ALL THIS UP AND SEE WHATS GOING ON.

I started calling people humans .

I call life programming or the matrix. 

I watched every episode on lighthealers and my wife and I can't find 1 SIGN THAT I DONT HAVE.







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Finally " WOKEN UP "  and not a moment too soon,  this planet and the people on it are in so much pain. 

Time for change my brothers and sisters. 

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Hello friends I am a volunteer Light worker also empathy and seer and I love the fact more people are waking up to remember who we really are. I hear people stuck In the pain of their yesterdays and hope and pray after their healed they will join the ranks and help spread the love and hope

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Am 6.10.2021 at 23:34, schrieb Gast:

This is more of a question than a comment. What if you are mostly drawn to wanting to help animals much more that people??? Because that's me. It's not that I don't feel for people, because I do, but animals are my passion! I am drawn to them and want to heal them and they are drawn to me. I mean really, quite strongly attracted to me. I am working on that dream of healing animals now by learning Reiki, which I will transfer to animals! Blessed Be to all!

I think that any devotion to living beings is wonderful.
You are not a misanthrope just because you feel a more intimate relationship or need to help animals.
Animals are worth protecting and if you have a particularly intense, perhaps even spiritual connection to them - go for it! ❤️

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This is more of a question than a comment. What if you are mostly drawn to wanting to help animals much more that people??? Because that's me. It's not that I don't feel for people, because I do, but animals are my passion! I am drawn to them and want to heal them and they are drawn to me. I mean really, quite strongly attracted to me. I am working on that dream of healing animals now by learning Reiki, which I will transfer to animals! Blessed Be to all!

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A couple of psychics have told me this year iam a lightworker, i thought i was an empath.  Iam a daydreamer and have an overwhelming urge to help others. I mostly help other empaths in groups fb. I was told being a lightworker had to do with my lifes purpose which at 58 im struggling with. I love talking deep with people and try to give insight thru my own experiences and have healing energetic hands ive been told. Im naturally drawn to heal using natural things adore natures vibes and often get my energy stolen from me by the unhealed.  How do i find out whether empath or lightworker? 

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Guys…the world as we know it is not what we think it is.
A long time ago, dark forces took control of our world and designed many, many traps in order to enslave and harm us.
This is why there is so much darkness, suffering, and lack on this planet.
These traps are more complicated than we realize…

Besides the economic slave system and the religious nonsense they have poured down our throats since we were born (reason for that being that they are able to suck our energy whenever we pray to some “God”), they have built for us an astral playground and have given us psychic abilities such as clairvoyance, ability to astral project, telekinesis, ability to explore other dimensions, realms and planets, ability to communicate with higher beings, ability to see the future, etc. so we would stay in our fantasy world and never find out all the horrible, torturous things they did to us. None of these abilities are real!


When we have these “special skills” we falsely believe we are “awake,” “enlightened,” and “fully aware of the truth”, and basically willingly walk right into the trap.
The real truth is that we have bigger and better abilities than the fake ones the darks have given us.
They just have blocked us from accessing them.
They gave us fake abilities so that we would never wake up to our own innate power.


Many things in the common spiritual world are controlled by darks. For instance, synchronicity is just darks manipulating our environment to lead us astray.
Chakras are dark implants.
Channelings are not trustworthy as the information received comes straight from the darks.
Karma is a dark tool meant to enslave us.
Spiritual awakening symptoms are most likely just the effects of darks attacking us and taking advantage of us while we cling on to the belief that we are spiritually evolving.
If we’re waiting to spiritually ascend, we’ll be waiting forever.


No one single event is going to liberate this planet; we have to do all the work ourselves.
Love is the best thing ever, but it is not always the answer. Believing in this will only give the darks permission to harm us as we send more love and forgiveness to them.
Our loving energy can’t heal them, unfortunately.
Remember—they created this beautiful, enchanting world and these beliefs in order to keep you away from yourselves!
Please realize the amazing power you have within you and declare your sovereignty!


Archangels, spirit guides, ascended masters and "benevolent ETs" are only dark beings pretending to be of the light.
Please don’t work with them!
They will only suck your power.
There are higher beings out there that are positive, but they are not allowed to intervene.
Any being that is down here “helping” is not light.
All you need is yourself and no one else.
We are also not all “one.”
We are not part of some higher God or Source.
Although the idea may sound enticing, there is no conscious, all-loving, omniscient creator.
That is only a dark lie with the intention of diminishing your power by telling you that you belong to something larger and to force you backwards in evolution.


We are here as unique beings.
This is what we’ve evolved into.
“Merging with the whole” would mean that you lose all the evolutionary progress you made.
You have all the power you need inside yourself.
Spiritual beliefs were created by darks in order to keep us asleep while we joyously believe we are awake.
This makes it easier for them to further their dark ways.
I know this is very hard to hear, but the truth can sometimes be harsh.
Please stop letting the darks exploit, misuse, and mislead you.
The idea of “love and light” was spread just to make you docile, submissive, and accepting of any harmful things that are done to you.


Knowledge is power, and we have to spread the knowledge and get out of the trap together!
There is a bright future ahead of us if we are willing to put in the effort to make it so!
I deeply apologize if this sounds so jarring to the mind, but please, consider what I’ve said.
You don’t have to believe what I’m saying, but at least consider it. It’s certainly easier to stay asleep in a fantasy world, but is that what you truly want?
The truth might hurt at first, but it gets sweeter once you realize how liberating it really is.
If you’ve read this far, I commend you.
It’s not an easy read, but there is an information war going on, and this stuff needs to get out there in the most direct way possible. Thank you for taking the time.


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Thank you so much for this timely and thoughtful article. Very helpful.

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Great article and very helpful. I am 60 and am just now figuring out that I might be a lightworker. It would explain a lot of what I have done throughout my life without realizing it. I thought it would just be named a helper, though, and it's obvious that isn't the correct name. Thank you. 

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i have questions! i will probably look them up anyways, but i thought i might share what went through my brain as I read this article.


1. How do we know it was Michael Mirdad who first coined the phrase? this one i don't really care too much about, just wondering.

2. Why crystal babies? Where does that term come from and why was it created? Does it have any other meanings, going beyond lightworker?

3. Aren't indigos starseeds? I remember watching a youtube video about indigo children, rainbow children, and whatever the third was, and they were starseeds. Really I'm wondering why differentiate when starseed covers it, and if im wrong about that then what are indigos?

Thought: I wouldn't consider myself to be kind (i'm rather selfish and sometimes mean actually—I have a bit of a me first attitude), I'm more nice, doing things for people and to help because of a feeling of obligation or anger actually. Anger at the world makes me want to change it. At the same time, I really want to help people. I guess I just don't want to go too far out of my way to do it, though if i cared enough i think i'd be willing.

4. What's an empath? This one is because some of the descriptions of reminded me of it but I can't remember the actual definition. Are lightworkers often empaths?

Another brain thought: For some reason I was reminded of how sad it is that most modern interpretations of the future depict dystopia, whereas if you went back just a few decades, people were envisioning a total utopia for our future, full of flying cars and other cool stuff. It makes me really sad and i want to change our vision of the future, but im not sure how. i mean, im a literal child, there's not much i can do without parental permission. i feel like the adults aren't doing anything, and they're just leaving us their mess to clean up. i want to not breathe in smog every time i go inside, please. i don't really think that's too much to ask.


i did not mean to rant oops


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I've had this calling I've felt it from the age of now 42.its took me a long time &guides telling me.cant tell you satisfaction in realising why I felt things different from other kids.h .as a say it's all abit new but I would welcome any comment.

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I truly believe every human being born into the world has the potential to be a light worker, however,  due to the conditioning on their consciousness throughout their lives, these abilities may become blocked or desensitized. This was a really good article for individuals who seek to understand more about this interesting concept. I just hope those out there who feel as if they may not be worthy or suitable to become a lightworker due to pervious actions they've made find forgiveness within themselves because as long as someone has the desire to help another who they see suffering, will have light in their heart that can shine bright upon the darkness those around them feel. As human beings we are capable of change within ourselves so we should never assume that our previous decisions have concluded who we are. Fight for change, fight for happiness and above all fight for yourself.. you may never know who your battles with yourself may benefit in the future due to the person you become. 

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I know a lightworker, he actually worked for me. I only know because he told me he was. He was very Spiritual as am I. 
My question is can a lightworker act as a false twin flame? Or are they possible to be a twin flame? I feel they have a very special gift and should use it in a positive way, not a false way. This is my feelings and opinions. I may very well be wrong. 
Secondly can one being have all titles of a lightworker. I put myself under the category of Psychic.  
if anyone has any positive feedback I would greatly appreciate it. 

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I learned how to heal from Earnest Holme's " This thing called life" wonderful prayers to heal others from afar. Tried it once and was successful about to try it again. I have complete faith that it works..Don't conversate about this ..but i wish i had somewhere or someone to turn to for guidance   at times. I don't doubt my healing abilities more like guidance for everyday mundane things...i have experienced and show acts of unlimited kindness and gentleness and it is so came from deep within...i loved how rewarding it felt...right now I'm on the quest to guide someone very special away from despair...hardest thing when they want to walk right in to it...

Can't seem to reach this person. They don't give me enough to get close and bond...i have fallen in love with this person...He thinks I'm weird and has a hard time figuring what I'm about. It just creates chaos and uncertainty...we can't seem to get past this. He doesn't trust me ...all i am is kind and generous and gentle...he believes God wants to kill him and that he takes away anything that brings him any type of happiness...need help with this mission. Until i can get more knowledge that will help me reach this man's soul , I'll continue showing unconditional love the love with no conditions..which i have told him that no matter what i am made different because i never take things personal. I have mastered detaching from my emotions to a place that is neutral. Like an off and on switch. I was born this way to better deal with the childhood trauma that was to befall upon me...if anyone can give me a way to see this as a victory or how to get there i would appreciate it ...

Thank you for taking the time to read my story..

Your time is greatly appreciated...


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what if we were all born to be lightworkers but the light dies out when we don’t practice our lightworking? 

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This is interesting. At first, I did not know what is a lightworker but this website has given me a clarification and an insight of things as a lightworker. Now I know the importance of being a lightworker and helping people feel great about themselves is my purpose and life mission. 

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Best lightworker article I could find on

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I've just read about lightworker for the very first time today. I'm 63 and have known I affect people around me for a long time. Maybe it's time to be less reclusive?

I have been given my toughest task now. So much so, I've needed to try and make sense of it all. And I'm struggling in so many ways.

Reading this has made me realise my strengths and doubled my determination in my task.

I'm sorry its taken so long to get here.

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Hi community. I am a ‘lightworker’, and have known this consciously since I was 18  ( ). Im 23 now, and the best I feel I can do is stay silent, stable and mindful until i learn to properly ‘ground’ this gift and put it into practice.


Om. Shanti shanti shanti

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Reading through the comments, some thoughts I'd like to add to the conversation came up:
What if we all are lightworkers in our way? What if we are all here to bring light into the world? To ease the suffering, we encounter?
We suffer, we know suffering, and we are here to ease suffering the best we can?
What if, in that regard, we are all the same at the same time; we are all unique in the tools we have to do this work?


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Today I was told that I am a lightworker by a medium/psychic friend I've known for years. I always knew I was different, VERY empathetic to others feelings. If faced my mortality more times than I can remember. I fear nothing from this world, especially death. I am a pixel in a large picture but without it the picture is incomplete. All my life has been centered around the well being of others over mine. I have a purpose, still exploring what. Been told I've experienced enough of life for 2 lifetimes, that was 20 years ago. I finally get it and am fine with whatever comes. Concepts that are difficult for most come easy but people are EXTREMELY complex. Still learning. 

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Curiosity question.....

What IF you RE ALL 8  types? Then what are you?

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Thank you for the insights.  I would offer a broader definition:  if you have chosen to be of the Light and you constantly strive for your thoughts and actions to be of the Light and be a contribution to the Higher Good and Oneness of the Universe, then you are a Lightworker.  Don’t let anyone’s truth or definitions define YOUR TRUTH.  Continue to LOVE, to seek and to bring Light to humanity.   There are many ways to work/serve and many paths to enlightenment.  It is not a matter of age or belief that being of the Light can only happen in one way or at one time in your life.  It is remembering your scared heart truth.  It is the connection to the ALL, it is the LOVE in your heart, it is your LIGHT.  Let it shine!  Many blessings, and LOVE on your unique spiritual path.

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If you are not working that had a Divine experience that he can never forget or else it would make you,  well not you, no matter what society or others perceptions maybe, a light worker keeps the memory alive and sacred, a light worker must have been given their light while still in there innocent youth!


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So, a lightworker is a New Age fairy.

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I was never aware of the existence of the word “light workers” I really enjoyed reading about it. It seems to me like I have always been one. I was terribly mischievous as a child and teenager. I had partly to change my ways when I became an adult. Became a teacher, just to find out that it was so stressful that almost die and wanting to die. Now I am a therapist. Loving life, my clients called me a healer but I know now that we could all become healers if we manège to heal ourselves first. 

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Read book from Brad Steiger Star people and star born there is a lot of explanationms on tihs topis.

They have hepled a lot of people to find thamselves as a star peopel or lightworkers.

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I extend my greetings of gratitude towards You & Your page. Your wisdom and great awareness of vast knowledge has enlighten my higher means of conciseness.

Thank You from my Gr8ful ?





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The term lightworker is fairly new to me, so this was a really interesting article to read! Definitely learned a lot about what it entails, and perhaps we do all have a lightworker inside of us   Anything that aims to bringing happiness and compassion towards other beings and our planet is a wonderful thing, so maybe we should all try and tap into that a bit more often ? I'm not sure which one on the list speaks to me personally, but I can attribute at least numbers 1 and 2 to my best friend! 

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Reading the article lightworker to me the term seems to mean "driven by compassion". The distinction between empathy and compassion is that the later is empathy plus the urge to help. Maybe that's another definition to lightwork: Feeling the pain in the world and making it your calling to ease it. Perhaps a lightworker can even transform the pain they feel into a source of strength to relieve the suffering.

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I could never put a name to what I was experiencing until i came across this.  when I was younger I could "fit in" everywhere but never felt like i fit in anywhere.  I felt connected to everything all the time.  i absorbed other peoples emotions that were not my own.  everyone would say I would always"light up a room".  I was always very giving and helpful and in tune always in the right place at the exact moment.  I was born pre-mature and was a blue baby (a baby that died during birth but brought back right after} only weighing 3 pounds.  I always knew i had a purpose but never could understand it  or what it was.  I was then struck by lightening several years back. It was then that my energy connections became really strong. so much so that babies and animals would come right up to me.   A toddler shocked her mother when she ran across the auditorium and sat in my lap, there were so many in the audience so i was surprised too. I read all the above descriptions but i am still confused of which i am,  I fit some in every one of them but at least now i have a name to put to what i experience so THANK YOU so much for putting this out there on the internet.  At least now i have some information to go on and something to connect it to.  

Much love in this time of the pandemic and I wish everyone wellness and peace. Take care of each other.   


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Soldier for ChristThis is very interesting and broaden my horizons I think I’m just trying to find out who I really a.m. thank you so much

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Hmm After reading this article, I don't think I'm a lightworker after all hehe  BUT, I do at times feel as though I have an important life purpose that involves healing and bringing greater good into the world. I just don't really know what it is yet. ? 

I  got a book yesterday called Adventures of a Lightworker: Dead End Date by  Caroline  A. Shearer and I'm really looking  forward to reading it and learning more about the spiritual abilities of lightworkers.

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I think most of us have some kind of lightworker capability inside us. For some, it may be obvious and a major force in our lives; many people are drawn to helping others naturally. For others, maybe they need to do a bit of work before finding their lightwork potential. While none of the things on the list particularly hit home with me, I think I'm closest to 4 – manifestor and 8 - adventurer. 

What about everyone else? 

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On 9/10/2020 at 8:11 AM, Guest Manny Garcia said:

what if I am all of the above? 

Then you are very special ❤️

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what if I am all of the above? 

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Thank you for this lovely presentation of the many focuses of Lightworker Beings.  For both Guest Authors below, I would like to address my agreement to both.  Lightworkers have experienced many lifetimes, with the point of bringing light into the 3D.  Yes, just by simply being, energy is healed surrounding them and others.  But yes, also, every one is a light being.  That being the difference between a "being" and a "worker", as in, purpose.  The question to ask is, "what is my purpose?"  Once asked, the question will inevitably be answered.  Clearing Chakra Energy is extremely important to hearing the answer to this question.  Awakening is there for all to be had and experienced, as is the goal of life.  Love is the Foundational Purpose of all light beings.  As stated in the article, Lightworkers are doing specific tasks to bring light into the physical to promote awakening of the collective. 

Beautiful inspiring renderings to take with!  Thank you all!

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Sonia Vadlamani, that was so nicely presented.  I'm a beginning lightworker that really enjoyed this page.  Thanks!

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The term Lightworker is confusing...and I can only go by my own experience as well as others that know of... what is known for sure is that Lightworker is synonymous with being an Old Soul...whats also known for sure is that if one is a Lightworker they would've had a Kundalini Awakening... as the Lightworker is living as a Human being theyve incarnated into thso world with all of the pains and issues of being human...after having a Kundalini Awakening there is much healing and clearing from this life and past life times...healing of Soul loss and Ancestral DNA...ect. It can sometimes take years...


 One thing that I'd like to impress about having a Kundalini Awakening is this: wd are not enlightened... Kundalini is the preliminary step to moving forward upon the path of...hang on... my guides coming through Lightworkers have been enlightened in incarnation after incarnation after incarnation but the world wasn't ready for the planet IS...and Enlightenment isn't the sole purpose of Kundalini... Kundalini is the creative force of this universe...if one wishes to progress upon the said path and reach the pinnacle of non self...and dissolve back into the firmament than they do have that ability to if they so wish to do so...


Lightworkers have not come here to sit in some cave and be one with the cosmos...there come here to use this raw life energy to bring balance upon this Earth plane. In order to know whsybit is to be human they've willingly incarnated into bodies that have the potential to handle the energy but also bodies yhay have heavy pain knowing pain they can know humanity via the lens of pain...and that pain is than transmuted into Love and Joy; in so going on their own personal Journey FIRST, Lightworkers may than fullfil their role in showing the way for others.


 People that identify with the term Lightworker do not spread light in metaphorical ways: their very energy fields are built differently...there srenligjy codes embedded into their fields for activation in the sense of the grid lines of this planet and for those that they come across in their daily simply existing they anchor light upon this Earth...they bring light upon others but merely being their presence...this is the true meaning of being a Lightworker.

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While this is not the kind of scientific content I personally prefer on a spiritual level, I like to think that everyone at their core has/ is light, is drawn to help/ share/ connect/ support. Therefore within each of us, there's the seed to be a lightworker - to bring our light to the world and make it a better place. Maybe our mission on earth is to unpack the layers that hide that light inside, to work through the trauma, conditioning, hurt, insecurities and shine.

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